Altera DDR Timing Wizard User Manual

Page 47

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Altera Corporation


November 2007

DDR Timing Wizard User Guide

Getting Started

DTW requires the following numbers to be entered:

Nominal memory to FPGA trace (DQ and DQS traces)

The midpoint between the maximum DQ/DQS trace delay and
the minimum DQ/DQS trace delay, using typical delays. For

nominal_tpd (memory_to_FPGA) = (max(DQ, DQS) + min (DQ,
DQS)) / 2.

Nominal FPGA output to memory trace

The midpoint between the maximum CK/CK# trace delay and
the minimum CK/CK# trace delay, using typical delays. For

nominal_tpd (FPGA_to_memory) = (max(CK, CK#) + min (CK,
CK#)) / 2.

Nominal feedback clock trace

The average delay of the two differential feedback clock traces.
For example:

nominal_tpd (feedback_trace) = (feedback_clock_p +
feedback_clock_n) / 2

For a single-ended feedback clock, just use the delay of that
clock trace.

Board tolerance (measurement error in the above delays)

Maximum ± percent variation of the trace delays due to board
manufacturing tolerances and environmental conditions. Note
the other board delays specified use typical delays that do not
include these variations.

Skew between wires in a data group (maximum delay difference
between DQS and DQ/DM board traces)

Maximum difference of DQ and DM board traces relative to
DQS/DQS# board traces.