Altera DDR Timing Wizard User Manual

Page 21

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Altera Corporation


November 2007

DDR Timing Wizard User Guide

Getting Started

Figure 2–4. Page 2 of the DTW—Confirm the Project Directory and Revision Name


Figure 2–5

shows page 3 of the DTW. This page asks whether you

would like to import data from the legacy controller MegaWizard
instance using Classic Timing Analyzer or TimeQuest Timing
Analyzer names.

If you choose TimeQuest Timing Analyzer names, DTW creates
assignments that are stored in an .sdc file. Choosing Classic Timing
Analyzer names generates both .qsf assignments and an .sdc file.
This means that you can still use TimeQuest Timing Analyzer for
compilation and timing analysis even when you choose Classic
Timing Analyzer names.

You need to add the .sdc file to the project when using TimeQuest
Timing Analyzer for compilation and timing analysis.


The difference between the .sdc file created using Classic
Timing Analyzer and TimeQuest Timing Analyzer names
is the clock name convention. There should not be any
difference in timing analysis results between these two .sdc


You should use TimeQuest Timing Analyzer for a more
accurate timing analysis as the constraints of the .sdc file
apply to both fast and slow timing models.

Click Import.