Altera DDR Timing Wizard User Manual

Page 30

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Altera Corporation

DDR Timing Wizard User Guide

November 2007

Entering and Editing Inputs to the DTW

Figure 2–11. Specify DQS Pins

You can either manually enter each of the DQS pin names, or click on
the Browse (...) button to open the Node Name Browser

Figure 2–12



If you are using the Altera DDR/DDR2 SDRAM controller,
the default names for the pins have ddr or ddr2 prefixes.
You can change the prefix in the DDR/DDR2 SDRAM
legacy controller MegaWizard. The default prefixes for
QDRII+/QDRII SRAM and RLDRAM II interfaces are

and rldramii, respectively.


If your design is large, browsing for a node name may be
very labor-intensive. Manually enter the pin names
whenever possible.

If you followed the recommended flow, you should have already
performed Analysis and Synthesis on the design, when

script was run. If so, the Quartus II

software will list all of the pin names, as shown in

Figure 2–12

