Altera DDR Timing Wizard User Manual
Page 11

Altera Corporation
November 2007
DDR Timing Wizard User Guide
About the DDR Timing Wizard
shows the typical Quartus II external memory design flow
using DTW and the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl script.
Figure 1–1. Quartus II External Memory Design Flow
Note to
It may be necessary to modify the controller and PHY settings (such as the clock cycles and clock phase shifts) using
the legacy controller or the altpll MegaWizard, based on dtw_timing_analysis.tcl results.
This user guide explains how to constrain designs using DTW, how to
analyze the memory interface timing using the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl
script, and how to adjust design constraints using the MegaWizard, the
Assignment Editor, or DTW to achieve timing closure.
Adjust Constraints
Using the MegaWizard,
the Assignment Editor,
or the DTW
Instantiate PHY
and Controller in a
Quartus II Project
Compile Design
Run add_constraints.tcl
(Pin Locations,
I/O Standards, and Loading)
(Timing Constraints)
Run dtw_timing_analysis.tcl
to Get Margin and
Recommended Settings (1)
Add Assignments for Clock,
Command, and Address Pin
Locations, and Other Pertinent
Assignments for the Interface
Interface Timing