Figure 2–21 – Altera DDR Timing Wizard User Manual

Page 41

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Altera Corporation


November 2007

DDR Timing Wizard User Guide

Getting Started

Figure 2–21. Resynchronization Clock and Phase Shift Relationship in DTW and the DDR2/DDR SDRAM
Controller MegaWizard

The Resynchronized with a second PLL using a fed-back clock field
must be checked when using the fedback-clock mode, as the
controlller uses this clock before resynchronizing data back to the
system clock domain. You then must specify the fedback clock input
and output pins, as well as the name of the system PLL output clock
to resynchronize the data from the fedback PLL to the system PLL.
The clock cycle (resync_sys_cycle) and clock phase shift
(resync_sys_phase) in this section should match with the legacy
controller MegaWizard information. If not, you need to fix this
information in DTW. After running the dtw_timing_analysis.tcl