LINK Systems System 1100 Tonnage Monitor User Manual
Page 20

then enter the new setpoint over the old using the numeric keypad.
When finished entering the setpoint, press the ENTER key.
The group of setpoints shown above is for the absolute peak
tonnage. Data window setpoint groups are indicated as shown below
with the data window number appearing in the upper left corner of
the setpoints editing screen.
The following rules apply to setpoint limits:
1) High setpoints cannot exceed 125% of channel rating.
(channel rating = machine rating/number of channels)
2) A Low setpoint must be lower than the channel's high setpoint.
3) Reverse setpoints cannot exceed 125% of channel rating. Turning Reverse Setpoints ON/OFF
Reverse setpoints can be enabled or disabled in the setpoints
editing screen by selecting any reverse setpoint using the cursor
keys, then pressing either the ON or OFF key. This will enable or
disable ALL reverse setpoints (peak and all data windows).
Enabling and disabling of reverse setpoints can only be done while
the keyswitch is in the PROG position.
In the System 1100, the information which includes all peak and
data window tonnage setpoint limits is called the current setup.
Since tonnage setpoints limits are set according to the tonnage
required to make a good part for a particular die, and they must
usually be changed each time the die is changed. Ordinarily this
would require either manually entering new setpoints or executing
CH2 11.3 9.2 .4
CH3 10.9 9.1 .4
CH4 11.2 9.2 .4
CH1 11.3 9.3 96