Kipp&Zonen LOGBOX SD Data Logger User Manual

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LOGBOX SD is designed for measuring, processing, recording (data logging) of measured
data in real time for the needs of meteorology and slow signals analyses.
It employs eight analogue inputs, which can be configured by software as unipolar inputs
with 12 bits resolution or as unipolar/bipolar differential inputs with 24 bit resolution.
With definition of polynomial coefficients (of the 3-rd order) measured values are converted
to engineering units.
Four digital inputs are configurable by software for measuring frequency, time (logical level)
or as counters. Again, with definition of polynomial coefficients (of the 3-rd order) the
measured values are converted to engineering units.

For data logging 128kB of memory is available. This EEPROM type memory will keep data
even after total disconnection of the battery. Additionally, user can insert the SD memory
card for long time data storage. Hardware and software support for temperature sensors like
PT100 and thermistor are provided.

For communication the LOGBOX SD uses either RS232 or RS485 communication port.
Selection is made by the jumper on the board. Supported communication speeds are in the
range from 300bps up to 115200bps.

The Real Time Clock circuit keep track of time and date. There is lithium battery of standard
size and with ultra low power design. Operational life is more than 10000 hours.
For signalling and switching external devices the LOGBOX SD has built-in relay ports capable
to handle currents up to 300mA and voltages up to 60Vdc
Additionally a reference voltage of 2.5Vdc is available.