Kipp&Zonen LOGBOX SD Data Logger User Manual
Page 22
Last parameter for analog inputs is the ratio. Ratio is only checked for appropriate analog
input. Ratio is used primary for PT100 measurement. If ratio is selected, it‘s output value is
calculated as ratio of selected analog input voltage measured to analog input 1 voltage
input. Only then polynomial calculation is applied. Ratio option is available for two analog
inputs only.
Analog inputs 7 and 8 can only be setup for single ended, 12 bit resolution, unipolar input,
and 3000mV range only. Polynomial coefficients are available.
11.3 Polynomial section.
The coefficients window shows all set polynomials. For enabling any of the polynomial
coefficients, it must be checked in enable check box. When selecting a PT100 or Thermistor
the polynomial coefficients are automatically entered in this box.
Important: There are additional chapters, 12 and 13, which explains how to enter your
own polynomials for the sensors (Sensitivity depended) and for usage of a different
PT100 or Thermistor.