Kipp&Zonen LOGBOX SD Data Logger User Manual
Page 39
The Firmware inside LOGBOX SD is relatively comprehensive. It is due to the complex control
functions: measuring analog and digital inputs, auto calibrations, real time calculations,
calculations to engineering units based on polynomial of the 3-rd order, data logging to the
memory, service of output ports, communication ports RS232 and RS485, power
management and user interface.
User interface offers the following analog inputs setup options:
12 bit resolution for unipolar input range 0...2,5V
24 bit resolution for unipolar input ranges 0...2,5V down to 0 ... 20mV
24 bit resolution for bipolar input ranges +/-2,5V down to +/-20mV
All other functions (auto calibration, digital filtering, settling time...) the software controls
User interface for digital inputs offers following options:
Frequency measurement during logging interval
Pulse counting during logging interval
Time of logical one (high state) measurement during logging interval
All digital input measurements are active also during sleep period in measuring mode.
Software controls automatically power consumption.
Communication ports can be configured for speeds from 300bps up to 115200bps. Service
mode is always with speed 115200bps, regardless of set communication speed. It is due to
faster data download from the memory in service mode. You need to have a correct setup on
your communication software on the PC.
Service mode is accessible only on RS232 serial line.
All other functions (real time circuitry, logging to the memory, power management) are
controlled by the software without need of user action.
After switching on LOGBOX SD is in measuring mode. That means that there is logging
interval. At the beginning of this interval LOGBOX SD performs all analog measurements (if
there is “set delay” longer than 0 sec, measurements are activated only after current delay).
Then all calculations and data logging is in progress. After that sequence, LOGBOX SD goes
to sleep mode until next logging interval.