EXFO EXpert VoIP Test Tools User Manual
Page 63

Test Results
EXpert IP
Call Manager Statistics (H.248/Megaco)
Post Pickup Delay (ms) is the post pickup delay measured by the
Caller in milliseconds. This value is the difference between the
transmission of the Off Hook Notification message by the test and the
reception of the first media (RTP) packet from the endpoint. A negative
value indicates that the media arrived early (audio clipping).
Total Dial Delay (ms) is the time in milliseconds to complete the call
initiation as seen by the Caller. This is defined as the difference
between the transmission of the Off Hook Notification message by the
test and the reception of the first On Hook Notification Request from
the Call Agent.
Media Start Time (ms) is the time in milliseconds from the dialing to
the reception of the first media packet from the Callee.
Call Termination Time (ms) is the time in milliseconds to complete
the call initiation as seen by the Caller. This is defined as the difference
between the transmission of the response to the Call Agent's Delete
Connection command and the reception of the next Off Hook
Notification Request from the Call Agent.
Number of Notified Entities is the total number of notified entities
(Call Agents) that the test endpoint is connected to during the test.