Utilities, Capture filters – EXFO EXpert VoIP Test Tools User Manual
Page 39

Test Setup
EXpert IP
Configuration (SCCP)
Traceroute check box when selected (default) calculates the
performance of the network path between two endpoints of a running
test every time the test is run.
Capture check box when selected (cleared by default) captures the
RTP packet stream for the running test. Once test is completed, the
capture file is available and can be opened in the Wireshark
application from the Load/Save option; refer to Packet Capture on
page 87 for more information.
Record check box when selected (cleared by default) allows
recording network VoIP traffic. The recorded file can be listened from
the Load/Save option; refer to Record Audio Tab on page 87 for more
information. Record is only available for Live Call media type.
Capture Filters
Available when the Utilities - Capture check box is selected.
IP Address check box when selected (cleared by default) represents
the Peer IP Address that acts as a filter that will capture packets having
the source or destination IP address matching the specified Peer IP
address. The accepted range is from to
File Size represents the maximum size of the file to capture either in
megabytes (1 to 50 MB (default is )) or in seconds (1 (default) to
3600 seconds).