Echelon IzoT NodeBuilder User Manual

Page 210

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flash, or NVRAM (if any). For these devices, this file is used with
a device programmer to program the external memory chips. If the
application image was built for a Neuron 3120 Chip, this file
contains some or all of the on-chip EEPROM image in a special
format for use only with a Neuron 3120 programmer.

Off-chip serial EEPROM. For the 5000 or 6000 Series chips, the

.NME application image file is supplied and supports programming
the serial EEPROM memory part.

Neuron flash image. For a Neuron 3120E4 Chip or an FT 3120

Smart Transceiver, the .NFI file contains an EEPROM application
image that is used for programming the on-chip EEPROM. It
contains the same information as the EEPROM application image
file for the Neuron 3120 Chip, but uses a different format because
of the different programming requirements of the 3120E4 and FT
3120 chips.

Off-chip serial flash. For the 5000 or 6000 Series chips, the

.NMF application image file is supplied and supports programming
the optional serial flash memory part.

Device Interface

(.XIF, .XFB, and .xfo)

These files contain a definition of the device interface that is used by
the IzoT Commissioning tool and other LNS network tools to learn the
interface to a device, without requiring the device to be physically
attached to the network.

There are three types of device interface files: the text device interface
file (.XIF extension), the binary device interface file (.XFB extension),
and the optimized device interface file (.xfo extension).

XIF. The text device interface file is a text description of the

device interface. The format of this file is detailed in the L




External Interface File Reference Guide, which is available on




Web site at

XFB and XFO. The binary device interface file and optimized

device interface file are used by the IzoT Commissioning tool and
other LNS tools to create LNS device templates, which define the
device interface to LNS tools.

Device manufacturers should distribute the binary application image file (.APB) and text device
interface file (.XIF) files to customers to support their devices. The .NDL file may also be
distributed to support loading the devices in the field with the NodeLoad utility. This is useful for
systems where an LNS network tool is not available to download device applications.

Note: If you provide .NDL files for upgrading device applications, do not change the device’s
communication parameters or change the clock multiplier on a 5000 or 6000 Series chip.
Changing the communication parameters may cause communication with the device to be lost
permanently. Changing the clock multiplier on a 5000 or 6000 Series chip may affect the device’s
power consumption and EMC performance, and it may affect the peripheral circuitry attached to
the Neuron 5000 Processor or FT 5000 or FT 6000 Smart Transceiver.


Building and Downloading Device Applications