Toa VM-3000 Series User Manual
Page 14

39. 24 V DC Input Terminals [VX-2000DS ONLY,
Connect power from the VX-2000DS Emergency
Power Supply Unit. When the VX-2000DS is not
connected, use shorting bars to connect PS OUT
(+) to DC POWER IN (+) and PS OUT (–) to DC
40. DIP switch (VM-3240VA and VM-3360VA only)
Used to perform equipment settings.
DIP Switch 1 [LINE/MIC]
Switches input sensitivity of Input 4. (ON: MIC,
OFF: LINE; Default: OFF)
Always set this switch to OFF. (Default: OFF)
DIP Switches 3 – 5
Not used. (Default: OFF)
DIP Switches 6
Set to ON when excluding the front-mounted
emergency microphone from the surveillance
item. (Default: OFF)
Set to ON when upgrading firmware version, and
OFF to prohibit update. (Default: ON)
DIP Switch 8 [CONFIG]
Set to ON when transferring set data from a PC,
and to OFF to prohibit set data transfer. (Default:
ON) (For more information on set data transfer,
refer to "Transferring Data Edited by PC between
the VM-3000VA and a PC" in the separate
software manual.)
41. BGM/Paging Recording Output Terminals
(VM-3240VA and VM-3360VA only)
Output BGM and Paging bus audio signals.
42. Status Output Terminals [STATUS OUT]
Provide the following status outputs in
synchronization with unit operation:
Emergency status output
Failure status output
CPU OFF status output
43. BGM 1 & 2 Input Terminals [BGM 1, 2]
(VM-3240VA and VM-3360VA only)
Connect the BGM sound source.
(-10 dB*, 10 kΩ)
0 dB =1 V
44. Emergency Control Input Terminals 1 – 6
Connect to an automatic fire alarm system and
activate emergency broadcasts, play back/stop
automatic emergency announcements and reset
emergency broadcasts.
Contact inputs 1 - 5 are no-voltage make contact
Input 6 is an isolated voltage input which
activates when the polarity of the applied voltage
(24 V DC is kept applied to this terminal under
normal condition) is reversed.
45. DS Link Connector [DS LINK]
Connects to the VX-2000DS Emergency Power
Supply’s DS-SF link connector.
46. Not used.
47. Audio Input Terminals 1 – 3 [INPUT 1 – 3]
(VM-3240VA and VM-3360VA only)
Electronically-balanced 600 Ω, –10 dB* / –50 dB,
XLR/phone jack combination connectors. LINE
or MIC input can be selected, and the phantom
power supply turned on and off. (Refer to
converted into transformer-balanced terminals
using the optional IT-450 transformer. It is also
possible to change microphone sensitivity to –30
dB. (Refer to the separate Installation guide.)
0 dB = 1 V
48. PA Link Connector [PA LINK]
Can be connected to the SX-2000 series when
the VP-200VX (Power Amplifier Input Module) is
installed inside the VM amplifier.
For the module installation, refer to the separate
Installation Guide for VM-3000 Series.
49. AC Input
Connects to an AC outlet using the supplied AC
power cord.
50. Attenuator Control Outputs [ATT CTRL]
Connect to external attenuators.
51. Direct Output Terminals [DIRECT OUT 100 V
These speaker output terminals (100 V line)
provide direct output of paging calls.
52. 24 V DC Output [24 V, +, –]
Provide 24 V DC output, max. 0.3 A.
53. Functional Ground Terminal
Hum noise may be generated when external
equipment is connected to the unit. Connecting
this terminal to the functional ground terminal of
the external equipment may reduce the hum
Note: This ground is not for protective ground.