Zoom pan mode – TeeJet SmartPad II User Guide User Manual

Page 97

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SmartPad II

Software Version 4.03

Chapter 3 - Real-Time Guidance


About the Real-Time Guidance Process

Zoom Pan Mode

In the Zoom Pan Mode the operator is allowed to zoom in and scroll across the screen. This is helpful to locate skips
or over lapped areas.

To activate the Zoom Pan Mode the operator must be zoomed to a point that the some of the view area is missing on
the screen. Locate the hand button down the right side of the real time screen Figure 3-55. When pressed the button
will then provide eight buttons (Up, Down, Left, and Right Arrows, Zoom in and out, Snap, and Exit) see “SmartPad
II View Page Buttons” on page 3-41 for a mo
re detailed description of the buttons.

Figure 3-55: Zoom Pan Mode