Smartpad ii software overview, Smartpad ii main launcher – TeeJet SmartPad II User Guide User Manual

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Chapter 2 - Software Overview
SmartPad II Software Overview

Fieldware for Smartpad II

Software Version 4.03

SmartPad II Software Overview

The SmartPad II software suite is made up of a Main Launcher and three software applications (programs), Guidance,
Nav2Point and Mapper. Each application can be broken down into two main components, Setup and Real-Time Map-
ping. Each of these components are described in more detail in following chapters. Figure 2-11 shows a flow diagram
of the SmartPad II software suite. All menu and menu items can be accessed and changed using the touchscreen or
the six keys located on the SmartPad II. For more description on how to use these six keys see “Operating SmartPad
II Software” on page 2-3.

The first time you run the SmartPad II software you may need to set a few system settings such as Date and Time
Zone, Units, SmartPad II settings and possibly Language, to configure the SmartPad II software suite the way you
prefer it. See “First Time Setup Process” on page 2-7 for more detail on setting up SmartPad II for the first time.

SmartPad II Main Launcher

Once the unit has powered up a SmartPad II splash screen will briefly appear, displaying the version number of the
software you have installed on the SmartPad II. The Main Launcher Menu page follows the splash screen, Figure 2-1.
The Main Launcher is where you can pick an application to run, either Guidance, Nav2Pt, or Mapper; System Set-
tings and Tools are also located in the Main Launcher page. The Tools component of the Main Launcher contains sev-
eral diagnostic tools that may help trouble-shoot problems with your GPS receiver and lightbar, see “SmartPad II
Tools” on page 2-24 for m
ore details. For more information on the Main Launcher see “SmartPad II Main Launcher”
on page 2-8.

Figure 2-1: The SmartPad II Main Launcher Page