TeeJet SmartPad II User Guide User Manual
Page 11

SmartPad II
Software Version 4.03
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Welcome to SmartPad II
Data collected using SmartPad II software can be viewed, edited or converted into other files formats using
the Fieldware - MapManager software, or imported directly into several standard Agricultural GIS packages
on the market today. This User’s Guide describes how to install, configure and use the SmartPad II product.
For technical information regarding other MID-TECH products such as the MID-TECH line of GPS receiv-
ers and rate controllers, please refer to the appropriate MID-TECH user’s guide.
We recommended that you read this user’s guide prior to using the SmartPad II product. This user’s guide
contains the following:
Chapter 1, Introduction to SmartPad II, contains a product overview and instructions for installing the
SmartPad II hardware.
Chapter 2, Getting Started, gives instructions on how to setup and configure the SmartPad II and soft-
Chapter 3, Real-Time Operation, describes SmartPad II real-time guidance and mapping.
Chapter 4, Waypoint Navigation, describes SmartPad II real-time Nav2Point.
Chapter 5, Mapper, describes SmartPad II real-time mapping options.
Using the optional CompactFlash data card, SmartPad II can also create and save to the card a vehicle appli-
cation trajectory record file (.RCD). The CompactFlash data card is required to store any data, no data is
stored internally to the SmartPad II. You can also map points and hazards during the real-time guidance pro-
cess. Any data saved to the CompactFlash card can be viewed and printed using MID-TECH Fieldware-
Tools software included as an option with SmartPad II. If a field boundary is not available one can be created
based on the boom width while the operator is spraying or driving the perimeter of the field. Total field area,
in Acres or Hectares, is calculated, as well as total area applied. If a field boundary already exists, possibly
created using the MID-TECH Fieldware - Field Mapping application, it can be viewed in the background.