Potter PFC-9000 Series User Manual
Page 66
PFC-9000 • 5403535 • REV G • 9/08
The picture on the right shows the different areas that can be selected for adding and
modifying. The area highlighted is the area that can be added, modified or deleted. If
an area is not highlighted, then nothing can be changed. Once the desired section is
highlighted, click on Item from the toolbar and select the necessary function, such as
Add, Modify, etc.
Enabling the Enable Auto After Hours will allow the user to set different smoke sensor sensitivities during the day and then after
hours. The after hours start time and days must be selected for when the after hours are to begin and end. In addition, the holidays
must be selected. If specific holidays are selected, an option is to notify the user, through a trouble condition, when the last
holiday has occurred.
The holidays would then have to be reset and programmed into the panel. The number of holidays that can be programmed in is limitless.