Custom input characteristic types – Interlogix XL LCD Keypad Plus Regional Settings Guide User Manual

Page 94

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xL Regional Settings Guide

21-3609E rev1.0


È00 Keypad Selections

N America

□ (no)


□ (no)


□ (no)


□ (no)


□ (no)

Netherlands □ (no)

□ (no)

Pre-Alarm Warning




Will this input supply a warning
alert delay (keypad sounds), so
it can be reset before reporting
to the Monitoring Station


□ (no)

Custom Input Characteristic Types

Characteristic Types:

00: Entry/Exit Door; 01: 1 sec(s); 02: 2s; 03: 3s; 04: 5s; 05: 10s; 06: 15s; 07: 20s; 08: 30s; 09: 45s; (09: China/ HK=40

sec) 10: 60s; 11: 90s; (11: China/ HK=100 sec) 12: 2 min(m); 13: 3m; 14: 5m; 15: 10m; 16: 15m; 17: 20m; 18: 30m; 19: 45m; 20: 60m; 21:
90m; 22: 2 hr(h); 23: 4h; 24: 6h; 25: 8h; 26: 10h; 27: 12h; 28: 16h; 29: 20h; 30: 1 day; 31: 1 week; 32: garage; 33: E/E route; 35: FAP
(6sec/20min); 37: E/E route FAP; 39: Activity Monitor; 40: Command Point; 41: Arming Keyswitch; 42: Guard Tour Point; 43: Work Late Function.
Entry/Exit Doors

: The 'Entry/Exit Door' selection (characteristic type =

00) is normally used with doors that are monitored, but not
electronically controlled for personnel access. For access-controlled
doors, a dedicated 'Door Contact' input is provided on the door-control
module (which does not need to be set up as an input point). Readers
& doors are set up via R001 - R032.
Also, an E/E door type-of-point cannot be set for a 24-hr monitoring
level (this will 'undefine' the custom point type). As well, with E/E
doors, the custom bypass selection can be applied to a custom E/E
door type to make it bypassable.
Garage Points

: The 'garage' selection (type = 32) refers to garage

door sensors. With these inputs, the 'garage' delay setting will apply
(see A0xx:01), and the area can be armed while the point is tripped
(the garage sensor will be armed after the door is closed).

(False Alarm Preventer) If a FAP input is not OK longer than 10

seconds, an alarm condition occurs. If a FAP input is triggered and
immediately resets, a 20 minute timer begins. If the same device is
tripped or a different FAP device trips in the same 20 minutes, an alarm
Activity Monitor:

activation informs the system that the area this point

is connected to is still occupied. Used in conjunction with A0xx:07.
Activity Monitor and Custom Point Type “Level” selections: 0: 24hr: –
24 hr Activity Monitor – activity point always active (ON, STAY and
OFF). 1: Stay & On – Activity Monitor when area OFF, standard alarm
when in STAY and ON. 3: On Only – Activity Monitor when area OFF &
STAY, standard alarm when ON.
Command Point

: Command Points are only configurable through the

Director software. WARNING: Never attempt to edit a Command point
name at a keypad or it may fail to operate.
Keyswitch Operation

: If the type is set to 41 (Keyswitch), the 'level'

setting specifies whether the switch will arm (1), or disarm (0) the area
associated with the specific input point. Furthermore, if the custom-
type is set to "Chime (

√)", and the area is set for

"Stay on Fail to Exit", the area will be armed to 'Stay' if no users exit after
turning the switch (not-Ok to Ok).
Conversely, if the custom-type is set to NOT chime (…), the "Stay on Fail
to exit" setting will be ignored (the area will fully arm to 'On'). NOTE:
With an arming keyswitch, disarming is typically done through an LCD
Guard Tour Points:

For an input point to be used in a guard tour, it

requires a custom point type with the 'type' set as 42 (Guard Tour Point).
For this application, the 'class' should be set as "Supervisory", and the
'level' will typically be set as "24 hr". Also note that, in this case, any
"TX" selections will be ignored (guard-tour point activity is referenced
only by the Director software during the guard tour).
Work Late Function:

This custom type can be assigned to e.g. a

motion detector in an area that is off but is in its LCD keypad, closing
time warning, at the last 15 min of its schedule. If this motion detector is
tripped because area occupants are working late, it will delay the
scheduled closing time. To set the Worklate Time Extension for 'work
late' points in an area, refer to A0xx:01 under "A001 - A016 (Areas and
Related Settings)". NOTE: The Custom Type “Level” can only be set to
“Stay & On” or “On” for this point. Setting it for 24hr will result in repeated
alarms. When the area is armed, this pt type converts to a standard burg

This setting is often used with Entry points/routes (so persons

know that someone has entered the area).
Pre-Alarm Warning:

For associated input-points, alarm transmission (to

the central station) will be delayed as per the "Pre-Alarm Delay" setting
(for the specific 'area'). During the delay, keypad sonalert(s) will be
sounded, giving an authorized user time to "Silence" the alarm at a
keypad. (Selecting "Verify User" will cancel the alarm transmission.)
To set the "Pre-alarm Delay" time for a specific area, refer to A0xx:01
under "A001 - A016 (Areas and Related Settings)". To set the areas to
be monitored by a specific keypad, refer to M0xx:01 under "M001 -
M024 (Modules and Related Settings)".



How the input will behave when it is active.

Keypad Selections

(left to right on keypad screen)




Regional Settings Default

Transmit in OFF




Reporting to the Monitoring Station Refer to the following tables.

Transmit in STAY




Reporting to the Monitoring Station

Transmit in ON




Reporting to the Monitoring Station

Sonalert in OFF




Keypad sounder active

Sonalert in STAY




Keypad sounder active.

Sonalert in ON




Keypad sounder active.

Siren in OFF




System siren active.

Siren in STAY




System siren active.

Siren in ON




System siren active.