Program section: b001 (programmable outputs), The paging feature, Save – Interlogix XL LCD Keypad Plus Regional Settings Guide User Manual

Page 78: B001

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xL Regional Settings Guide

21-3609E rev1.0


Program Section: B001 (Programmable Outputs)

(left to right on keypad screen) N America Example:

Pressing the keypad button under È? will
display the location (main panel, module)
of the output and the location’s output range.

Outputs are programmable electronic switches that can be used to signal alarms or control items such as lights,
garage doors, etc. The keypad Programmable Outputs screens allow viewing or changing (to Feature Set 4 only)
the characteristics for each of these outputs.
This system uses a programmable output format referred to as a “Query Condition”. A Query Condition is the
equivalent of the previous output-programming format (bCAPL) with enhancements. It is basically testing if a condition
is valid or not, true or false (e.g. “Is Area 5 On?”). Entering simple output types can be done at an LCD keypad in the
configuration programming output “B” section using output code selections. Advanced, Equation, Logic style outputs
can only be set up using the Director software and sending this output information to the panel using a direct
connection, IP etc.

General Signalling/Switching Functions

Outputs can be set to activate whenever a certain
type of input is triggered or a specific event occurs.
This can be for the entire system, a single area, a
specific door, or for a specific input point.

Door Controller Outputs: These units include dedicated outputs
that are configured along with other reader/door settings (via

For details, refer to the "R" (Door) programming section.

Keypad Function Keys

Outputs can be set to respond when a user presses

F” function

key and a number-key at an 'LCD





5 are available to all users, while







0 can be set (on an area-by-area basis) to work

only when a user with “Function Key” authority is
logged in.

For details, see the "Function Key PIN Required" selection in
Function key F5 is pre-set to toggle the keypad chime feature on
and off. It can be programmed for other actions, but is generally
not—since the keypad chime feature would be toggled too.

Suite Security LED Keypads: Function keys on these
units perform a fixed operation (they are not
programmable here).

The Paging Feature

Outputs 001 – 002 should be used for the main
controller’s 2 relay outputs. Outputs 003 – 032
maximum should be considered for assigning to the
main controller for possible STU (subscriber terminal
unit for modem Redcare output connections). Any
outputs 001 – 128 can be set to signal a numeric
pager when triggered by their associated alarm
condition. The specific alarm/event to be associated
with each of the outputs is defined in the System
Program Section S001:06

where the base or

beginning output number is entered and then the
related output numbers are programmed sequentially.
Other settings for the paging feature are set through
screens S005:08 and S005:09. The message sent to
the pager will be the Panel Unique ID: S001:02, and
the associated output number.


It is very useful to print out a small alarm/output reference

(wallet or pager-size), for each system that has paging set-up.
For details on the "Panel Code" (also known as "Unique ID"),
refer to S001:02.

General Notes:
Programmable output numbers are assigned by the system
when a module that supports outputs is set up. The assigned
numbers will be based on the order the modules are added, and
the number of outputs that are 'reserved' by each module.

xL Panels---VBUS Outputs and Parallel STU outputs
The xL panel supports one 8-output modem/STU
(w/configurable base value), plus one 8-ouput VBUS board (with
sequential output numbers starting at a single programmable
base value). A total of 2 VBUS boards are supported if a
Parallel STU is not present. In addition to the settings relating to
VBUS and STU outputs, the "Panel onboard outputs" value must
include the number of STU and VBUS outputs--plus the two on
the panel itself for a grand total. This is selectable as multiples of
4 only (4, 8, 12, etc), so select the next higher value if
necessary. VBUS and STU outputs will NOT be recognized if the
panel onboard outputs value does not account for all of these
Location in Software: Configuration ->System (General) ->I/O
Mapping (tab):
Location via Keypad: S001:00, S001:06, and S001:07.

Outputs on a graphic map annunciator module refer to the LEDs
on the front of the module. Outputs 1 and 2 are obtainable as
hard wire connections on the map module’s circuit board.

As an aid when setting up the programmable outputs, it is

useful to create and fill-in a 3-column table to track:

module/connection compared to system input/output reference
#, compared to location/desired operation.

? S000

. 05 Query




? B001