European and acpo installations, Acpo installation requirements – Interlogix XL LCD Keypad Plus Regional Settings Guide User Manual

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xL Regional Settings Guide

21-3609E rev1.0

European and ACPO Installations

Restoring Tampers
Once a tamper condition occurs it will be logged within
the system’s history log. Tampers can be silenced by
any authorized users however; a system message will
scroll on the LCD display to indicate that a tamper
condition had occurred: “Was in Tamper”.
This message can only be cleared during a service call
in the following manner:
i) The main panel cabinet must be opened to activate

the ‘tamper sensor’

ii) The system will generate a tamper alarm; this must

be first silenced by the authorized user.

iii) Next, the Service user ID and Pin must be entered

followed by the ID and Pin of the authorized user.

iv) Close the main panel cabinet to secure the tamper


System Conditions that will Block Arming
The system will block arming when the following
conditions are active:

System Tamper

Module Tamper

Module Communications Failure

Prime Power Fault

Battery Fault

Communicator Fault

Detector in active / fault condition

The following conditions that block the arming can be
overridden by the user:

Detector in active / fault condition

Prime power fault

All other blocking conditions must be either corrected or
overridden by a Service Engineer.

ACPO Installation Requirements

The following is required in the UK to ensure
conformity with the DD243:2004 Standard. LCD
Keypad configuration screen numbers are referenced
through out.



When powering up a new panel, activate the U.K.

functionality. Refer to System Programming
S002:00, “Panel Operation Mode” and select option

To allow disarming using ACE as described in the

DD243 standard, the system must be configured for
‘Supports Access + Intrusion’ (Screen S002:01).
This is necessary to generate a Confirmed

Pin Duress must be enabled to signal Personal

Attacks and Holdups. Refer to System Programming
S002:01. Select “


(yes)” for “Allow Duress PINS”.


Auto – Remove Bypass should be set for all user

authority levels to ensure that any automatic
bypasses made as a result of a DD243 are lifted
when the system is disarmed. Refer to Profile
Programming I0XX:01. Select “


(yes)” for selection

4: “Auto-Remove Bypass”.

To enable user authorities to Test the siren and
strobe, ensure the “


(yes)” is selected for the Test

option in Profile Programming I0XX:0I, selection 5:


‘Stay on Fail to Exit’ must be disabled so that the

system will only arm if the external exit button is
pushed. Refer to Area Programming A0XX:01 and
ensure selection 5 is set as “… No”.

‘Terminate Exit Delay’ must be disabled so that

opening and closing the exit door will not terminate
the exit delay, this should be done by pushing the
exit button to terminate the exit delay. Refer to Area
Group A0XX:01 selection 7 and set as “… No”.

‘Alarm on Fail to Exit’ must be enabled to ensure

that the system will indicate locally if the exit button
has not been pushed. This will disarm the area to off
on failure to exit properly due to not pushing the exit
button. Refer to Area Group A0XX:01 selection 6
and set as “



‘Siren Squawk on Arming’ must be enabled to locally

annunciate arming. Refer to Area Group A0XX:02
selection 4 and set as “



Exit Button
To setup the exit button as required in DD243 a
custom point type must be first created.

Create a custom point type in the Custom Point

Programming T0XX:00 to, Level = 0 (24 hr, Always),
Characteristic Type = 40 (Command Point) and
Class = 6 (Supervisory).

Assign the newly created custom point type to an

appropriate input point. See Input Programming

Switched Communicator Line Faults
This system provides capabilities to Enable Line
Failure from switched communicators. This feature is
provided on the World Wide Modem. For details
please refer to Installation Instructions: 21-3611.

Output Points
When using a switched reporting unit such as the ‘BT
Redcare’ the following is recommended: