Great Planes ESP6 Easy Sport 60 - GPMA0152 User Manual
Page 41
D 2 Now is the time to fuelproof the front of the model
Use fuelproof paint or 30-minute epoxy thinned with
alcohol Remove the engine mount and paint the tank
floor, fuel tank compartment sides, the bottom of the
hatch, the top edges of the fuselage on which the hatch
rests, the front and back of the firewall and the engine
compartment NOTE Avoid getting the fuelproofer in the
threads of the blind nuts on the firewall
D 3 Once the fuelproofing is dry, reinstall the fuel tank
and feed the fuel and vent lines through the firewall into
the engine compartment Reinstall the hatch and
engine mount.
D 1 Glue a leftover piece of 1/8" x 3/4" x 1-1/2" balsa
(3/16" x 3/4" x 1-1/2" balsa on the Easy Sport 60) in the
slot at the tail of the fuse below the horizontal stab slot
Cut and sand the filler balsa flush with the lower edge of
the horizontal stab slot.
D 3 Attach the wing to the fuse (for reference) and
slide the horizontal stab into its slot Center and align the
horizontal stab using the same technique that you used
to align the wing Stand back 8 to 10 feet and view the
model from the rear The stab tips should be equally
spaced below the level of the wing If not lightly sand
one side of the stab slot to correct the problem Work
slowly and check the alignment often Also, the trailing
edge must be flush with the aft edge of the fuse.
D 4. When the alignment looks good, use plenty of
30-minute epoxy to securely glue the stab in position.
Hold the stab in position with pins through the sides of
the fuse while the epoxy cures Before the epoxy cures,
use a stick to remove any excess epoxy from the center
of the stab where the fin will attach (this will insure a
smooth, flat mounting surface for the fin) Remove any
excess epoxy on the outside with a paper towel
dampened with rubbing alcohol, before the epoxy cures.
D 1 Test fit the fin and check the alignment with the
centerline of the fuse A straightedge against one side of
the fin can be used to check alignment The fin must be
perpendicular to the stabilizer Make adjustments to the
slot if necessary Also, the trailing edge must be flush
with the aft edge of the fuse.
D 2 Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the fin in position.
Apply epoxy to both inside edges of the fuse as well
as the bottom edge of the fin. Insert the fin until it
touches the stab Check the alignment of the fin to the
stab with a triangle Then secure it in position with
masking tape until the epoxy has cured Remove any
excess epoxy before it cures with a paper towel
dampened with rubbing alcohol
D 2 Sand the aft end of the fuse to a rounded shape
as shown.
D 3 Glue the 5/16" shaped balsa dorsal fin to the aft
fuse top and fin as shown Sand the LE of the dorsal fin
to match the LE of the fin Fill any gaps between the
dorsal fin and the fin with hobby filler and sand smooth.