8 • fris 2 server as data storage server – FingerTec FRIS II User Manual
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To Use FRIS 2 with Normal Fingertec Terminals
These FingerTec terminals stores all user data in the FingerTec terminals. User data
are transfered to all connected FingerTec terminals such as fingerprint, password, time
zones etc. In this design, FRIS II acts as a control station to interact with all connected
FingerTec terminals for user data modification transferring. Kindly take note, FRIS II will
not conduct any online verification with connected FingerTec terminals. All verifica-
tion process are done locally in the FingerTec terminal itself.
Transaction logs are stored in the FingerTec terminals. FRIS II can be used to download
transaction logs from connected FingerTec terminals, and store them in the MySQL
database. Administrators are able to view the downloaded transaction logs in FRIS II.
FRIS II does not integrate with any clocking rules, and therefore it cannot generate any
attendance for users. Administrators only can view raw clocking data of users in FRIS II.
Administrators will need to use the TCMS V2 if the administrator would like to generate
attendance data and reports for users.
Administrators can choose to use other time attendance software to generate attend-
ance data and reports. The FRIS II stores transaction logs in a MySQL database, to ease
software developers access into the database to gather the required clocking data. In
this design, FRIS II stores transaction logs in a MySQL database, and is ready to be used
by any other software for further processing.
onlIne FIngeRpRInt enRollMent anD veRIFIcatIon
This operation is only available when FRIS II works with FingerTec terminals with a FRIS
function. All fingerprints captured in readers are forwarded to the server for enroll-
ment and verification. Normal readers without FRIS function cannot support this.
DownloaD, vIew anD eDIt tRanSactIon logS
When FRIS II works with FingerTec terminals with a FRIS function, all transaction logs
are stored inside the server once the verification process is done. Administrator can
view and edit transaction logs in the page Transaction from main menu.
While the FRIS II can work with normal FingerTec terminals without FRIS function ad-
ministrators must download transaction logs stored in readers from the page Terminal
Data > Terminal Transaction. Storage inside readers are cleared after the download
process. The administrator can view and edit the transaction logs in the page Transac-
tion in main menu.
gRoup tIMe Zone anD tIMe Zone
When the FRIS II works with FingerTec terminals with a FRIS function, all group time
zones and time zones are defined locally in the server. Administrators are not required
to upload the settings to the terminals.