The basic structure, Computer installed with fingertec tcms v2, Fris server with fingertec terminals – FingerTec FRIS II User Manual

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User fingerprint

Transaction log

TA200 Plus



cation process to the computer as the FingerTec OFIS scanner cannot prompt users with

the result of verification. The OFIS scanner can only be used as an enrollment station for

the FRIS server.

coMputeR InStalleD wIth FIngeRtec tcMS v2

A computer installed with FingerTec TCMS V2 is a must for FRIS to function properly and

the TCMS V2 installed must have accessibility to the FRIS server. TCMS V2 functions to

pull user information such as user ID fingerprint templates as well as the transaction logs

from the FRIS server. The data pulling process is done only one way from FRIS to TCMS

and it is strictly irreversible. This is important to avoid any unauthorized edits in user

transaction logs inside the FRIS server.
Definitions of clocking rules and group scheduling have to be properly set in the TCMS

V2 because these rules will be applied to arrange user attendance data in proper format

for easy viewing.
The TCMS V2 has various reports for time attendance and access control. These reports

can be saved into .PDF, .JPEG, .HTML, .RTF, .XLS and .DOC formats.
TCMS V2 can export attendance data into .TXT, .XLS or ODBC manager for rd party soft-

ware configuration such as payroll.

The Basic Structure

FRIS SeRveR wIth FIngeRtec teRMInalS

This is the simplest implementation structure of FRIS. FingerTec terminals are used for

user fingerprint enrollments only. The templates will be stored inside FRIS server and not

inside the terminals.
The devices are for users to report attendance or to request door accessibility by present-

ing their fingerprints at the terminals. The fingerprints of users will be captured and sent

to the FRIS server for verification. FRIS server will then perform a fingerprint verification

and will send the result, (either fail or successful), back to terminals.
If a fingerprint was successfully verified, the user ID will be displayed on the reader to in-

form users that the transaction is accepted and saved into the FRIS server. For FingerTec

terminals that are supporting a door lock system, user will gain access from the success-

ful verification. Transaction data stored inside the FRIS server includes user ID, date and

time, terminal ID, and transaction code.