1• overview, Major components, Fris server (data server) – FingerTec FRIS II User Manual

Page 3: Fingertec model / ofis scanner

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Before using your FingerTec models to connect to FRIS 2 server, please check
1. For black and white screen display model : Menu > Option > System option >

Advance Option. Make sure you see Auth Server IP and Auth Mode.
2. For color screen display model: Menu > Communication. Make sure you see Auth

Server IP and Auth Mode.

Auth Server IP

the IP address of the PC working as FRIS 2 server

Auth mode

LO (reader only search into local memory to match users’ fingerprints)

NO (terminal will only search the FRIS 2 server to match users’ fingerprints)

NL (terminal searches into FRIS 2 server to match users’ fingerprint. If failed, terminal

will searches into its local memory)

Major Components

FingerTec Remote Identification System (FRIS) consists of:

FRIS Server (Data Server)

FingerTec Model /OFIS Scanner

Computer installed with FingerTec TCMS V2

FRIS SeRveR (Data SeRveR)

FRIS Server refers to a computer with FRIS installed. FRIS Server stores user’s fingerprints

templates and user’s transaction logs and it also serves as a platform for fingerprint veri-

fication. A computer with TCMS V2 has access into the FRIS server to pull transaction

logs. All transaction logs, that are pulled into TCMS, will be checked by clocking rules of

the TCMS and can be viewed in Attendance Sheet for analysis.

FIngeRtec MoDel / oFIS ScanneR

FingerTec Models, can link to a FRIS server and support FRIS. The functions of these read-

ers are:

to enroll and register user fingerprint templates;

to capture users fingerprints;

to transfer fingerprint templates to the FRIS server for verification;

to prompt user with the result of verification.

The FingerTec OFIS scanner is a UrU4000 fingerprint scanner without any LCD or keypad.

The functions of the OFIS scanner include:

enrolling and registering user fingerprint templates;

capturing fingerprints of users;

transfering of templates to the FRIS server for verification.

The FingerTec OFIS scanner must be connected to a computer that is linked to the FRIS

server to perform the above operations. The FRIS server will return the result of the verifi-