3 channels, Channels – Digilent WaveForms User Manual
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WaveForms™ SDK Reference Manual
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5.3 Channels
The oscilloscope channel settings are identical across all channels.
FDwfAnalogInChannelCount(HDWF hdwf,
hdwf – Interface handle.
pcChannel – Variable to receive the number of channels.
The function above is used to read the number of AnalogIn channels of the device.
FDwfAnalogInChannelEnableSet(HDWF hdwf,
idxChannel, BOOL fEnable)
hdwf – Interface handle.
idxChannel – Zero based index of channel to enable/disable.
fEnable – Set TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable.
The function above is used to enable or disable the specified AnalogIn channel.
FDwfAnalogInChannelEnableGet(HDWF hdwf,
idxChannel, BOOL *pfEnable)
hdwf – Interface handle.
idxChannel – Index of channel.
pfEnable – Variable to return enable/disable status of channel.
The function above is used to get the current enable/disable status of the specified AnalogIn channel.
FDwfAnalogInChannelFilterInfo(HDWF hdwf,
hdwf – Interface handle.
pfsfilter – Pointer to return the supported acquisition modes.
The function above returns the supported acquisition filters. They are returned (by reference) as a bit field. This bit
field can be parsed using the IsBitSet Macro. Individual bits are defined using the FILTER constants in dwf.h. When
the acquisition frequency (FDwfAnalogInFrequencySet) is less than the ADC frequency (maximum
acquisition frequency), the samples can be stored in one of the following ways using FILTER:
filterDecimate: Store every Nth ADC conversion, where N = ADC frequency /acquisition frequency.
filterAverage: Store the average of N ADC conversions.
filterMinMax: Store interleaved, the minimum and maximum values, of 2xN conversions.