Digilent 410-262P-KIT User Manual
Chipkit™ motor shield reference manual, Overview, Functional description

chipKIT™ Motor Shield
Reference Manual
Revision: April 16, 2013
Note: This document applies to REV D of the board.
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The chipKIT
™ Motor Shield is an expansion
board for use with the chipKIT Uno32 and
chipKIT uC32. It provides additional circuitry
and connectors for the Uno32 and uC32 to
drive various motors types.
The chipKIT Motor Shield is designed to drive
DC motors, servo motors, and stepper motors.
It also provides additional I/O via an I
Features include:
2 DC motor driver channels,
accessible with either a JST 6-pin
connector or a terminal block
2 DC motor encoder input signals for
each DC motor channel
4 servo motor channels
C General purpose I/O expander
with 4 LEDs 2 push buttons and 2
user settable jumpers
1 4-wire unipolar stepper motor
Standard chipKIT Shield connectors
Functional Description
The chipKIT Motor Shield is designed to be used with the chipKIT Uno32 or chipKIT uC32 board.
When used with these boards, the microcontroller and shield provide the necessary supporting
hardware and connectors to control most types of small motors. The rest of this document will only
reference the Uno32; however, the shield can also be used with the chipKIT uC32.
The chipKIT Motor Shield has the following connectors:
J1: Power Supply for the DC motor driver
This connector provides power to the DVR8833RTY motor driver for the DC motors. Motor supply
voltage range is 2.7-10.8 V.