Comtrol Multiport Modems Windows NT User Manual
Comtrol Software
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Table of Contents
- Overview
- How to Use this Document
- Driver Requirements
- Locating Hardware Installation Documentation
- Installation Prerequisites
- 1. You must have at least one RocketPort or RocketModem adapter installed before installing this ...
- 2. If you are using Windows NT 3.51 or an early version of Windows NT 4.0 with no service packs a...
- 3. If you are installing the RocketPortModem in a system without an existing network adapter (NIC...
- 4. If you are using this driver under Windows NT 3.51, or if you are using the modem.inf file und...
- 5. Finally, if you are upgrading from an earlier version of the RocketPortModem device driver, yo...
- Driver and Adapter Information
- Removing an Existing Driver
- 1. Open the Control Panel and double-click on the Network icon.
- 2. Select the Adapters tab.
- 3. Highlight Comtrol RocketPort, RocketModem.
- 4. Select the Remove button. You are asked to verify the deletion.
- 5. Select the Yes button. The selected item is deleted.
- 6. Select the Close button. Several windows are displayed as the system updates its configuration.
- 7. Select the Yes button to shut down and restart the system, so that your changes take effect.
- 8. After removing the existing driver, see the Installing the Device Driver discussion.
- Special Instructions
- Installing the Device Driver
- Driver Installation
- 1. Open the Control Panel and double-click the Network icon, or right-click on the Network Neighb...
- 2. Select the Adapters tab.
- 3. Select the Add button. The list of supported network adapters appears:
- 4. Select the Have Disk button.
- 5. If you are installing the driver from a diskette, insert the diskette.
- 6. Enter the drive and directory path to the installation files, and select the OK button.
- 7. Select the OK button with Comtrol RocketPort/RocketModem highlighted.
- 8. Select the Next button when the Add Device Wizard appears and follow the on- screen instructio...
- b. Model. Use the droplist to select the Comtrol product you have installed, and select the Next ...
- c. Number of Ports. Use the droplist to select the number of ports on the product you have instal...
- d. Base I/O Address. (ISA-bus products only.) Use the droplist to select the I/O address you set ...
- e. Country. (Comtrol modem products only.) Use the droplist to select the country or region where...
- 9. When you have finished entering adapter configuration information, select the Finish button. T...
- 10. Review the information shown. If desired, you can enter a more descriptive name for the adapt...
- 11. Select the OK button to save the device configuration. The Main Setup tab appears:
- 12. If you have installed more than one adapter, you may configure more adapters at this time. Se...
- 13. If you have installed a RocketPort adapter that is capable of speeds over 230.4K bps, you can...
- 14. Select the OK button to close the Setup window.
- 15. Select the Yes button when the confirmation window appears, asking you to verify that you wan...
- 16. Select the OK button when this reminder appears.
- 17. Select the Close button when the Network Adapters window appears, showing the Comtrol adapter.
- 18. Select the Yes button to shut down and restart the server, or the No button to put it off unt...
- Verifying Installation
- Further Configuration
- Driver Installation
- Changing or Viewing Driver Configuration
- Changing or Viewing Adapter Configuration
- 1. Start the Comtrol Setup program. The Main Setup tab appears:
- 2. In the Configuration list, select on the adapter you want to work with and select the Properti...
- 3. You can view or change the following as desired:
- 4. When you are done, select the OK button to close the Device Setup tab and return to the Setup ...
- Changing or Viewing Port Configuration
- 1. Start the Setup program. The Main Setup tab appears:
- 2. If necessary, click the [+] button in front of the adapter name so that the ports on the adapt...
- 3. In the Configuration list, select the port you want to work with. Then select the Properties b...
- 4. View or change the port properties as desired. For reference, see the following discussions. W...
- General Port Setup
- RS-485 Tab
- Modem Tab
- Adding an Adapter
- 1. Shut down the server, switch off the power, and remove the cover.
- 2. If you are installing an ISA-bus adapter, set the I/O address DIP switches as indicated in the...
- 3. Install the new adapter in an available slot of the correct bus type.
- 4. Replace the cover and power up the server.
- 5. Start Windows NT and log in as the system administrator.
- 6. Start the Setup program. The Main Setup tab appears.
- 7. Select the Add button.
- 8. The Add Device Wizard starts. Follow the instructions on-screen to configure the newly install...
- 9. Select the OK button to save and exit from the Setup program.
- 10. Shut down the program and restart the server, so that your changes take effect.
- Removing an Adapter
- Removing an Existing Driver
- Windows NT Configuration Overview
- Configuring Modems
- Working with NT RAS
- Installing Modems
- 1. Connect the modem to the desired port.
- 2. Power up the modem.
- 3. Open the Control Panel window.
- 4. Double-click the Modems icon.
- 5. Check the “Don’t detect my modem...” box and select the Next button.
- 6. Select the appropriate manufacturer and model and selec the OK button. If the correct manufact...
- 7. Select the COM port number.
- 8. Select the Finish button. The modem software is installed on the selected ports.
- 9. If you need to configure modem properties (maximum baud rate, data bits, parity, and so on), s...
- 10. If you need to configure dialing properties (country, area code, calling card number, and so ...
- 11. Select the Close button.
- Further Modem Configuration
- Installing and Configuring RAS
- Installing RAS Initially
- 1. Open the Control Panel and double- click the Network icon, or right-click on the Network Neigh...
- 2. Select the Services tab, and select the Add button.
- 3. Highlight Remote Access Service, and select the OK button.
- 4. Enter the location of the Windows NT files (for example, d:\i386) and select the Continue button.
- Adding or Reconfiguring a RAS Device
- 1. Open the Control Panel and double- click the Network icon, or right-click on the Network Neigh...
- 2. Select the Services tab.
- 3. Highlight Remote Access Service and select the Properties button.
- 4. To reconfigure an existing RAS port, highlight the port/device and select the Configure button...
- 5. To add a new RAS device—for example, if you are configuring a new modem—select the Add button....
- 6. Use the droplist to select the COM port (modem) that you want to configure and select the OK b...
- 7. Highlight the desired COM port (Modem) and select the Configure button. The Configure Port Usa...
- 8. Select the appropriate option, based on the role the modem will perform, and select the OK but...
- 9. Highlight the COM port (modem) again and select the Network button.
- 10. Select the appropriate dial out protocols, dial in protocols, logon security levels, enable m...
- 11. If you select NetBEUI on the Network Configuration window, the following window appears. Make...
- 12. If you select TCP/IP, the following window appears. Make the appropriate selections for your ...
- 13. If you select IPX, the following window appears. Make the appropriate selection for your envi...
- 14. Select the OK button to exit the Network Configuration window and return to the Remote Access...
- 15. If you want to duplicate the configuration you just created on any other COM port (modem), hi...
- 16. After setting up all the COM ports, select the Continue button.
- 17. Select the Close button at the Network/Services tab to complete the RAS installation.
- 18. Select the Yes button when asked to reboot the computer. Windows NT RAS installation is compl...
- 19. If necessary, install the latest NT Service Pack or Packs from Microsoft.
- Installing RAS Initially
- Configuring Printers
- Adding Serial Printers
- 1. Connect the printer to the desired port. Use a DTE-to-DTE null modem cable unless the printer ...
- 2. Open the Printers control panel and double-click on the Add Printer icon.
- 3. Select the My Computer check box, then the Next button.
- 4. If the desired COM port is on this window, select it, select on the Next button, and skip to S...
- 5. If the desired COM port is not on this list, select the Add Port button and follow these steps:
- 6. Select the printer make and model and select the Next button.
- 7. To keep driver: select Keep existing driver check box, select the Next button, and go to Step 8.
- 8. Select whether you want this printer to be the Windows NT default printer, and select on the N...
- 9. Select whether or not you want to share this printer with other computers on the network. If y...
- 10. Select whether to print a test page and select the Finish button. You are now ready to begin ...
- Changing Printer Port Configuration
- Changing Printer Port Assignment
- 1. Open the Printers control panel.
- 2. Right-click on the icon for the printer you want to change.
- 3. Select the Properties option from the shortcut menu. The Properties window appears.
- 4. Select the Ports tab.
- 5. Check the port you want to switch to. Remember to change your cabling accordingly.
- 6. Select the OK button. Any changes you make take effect immediately. No reboot is needed.
- Adding Serial Printers
- Configuring Modems
- Comtrol Tools
- Using Test Terminal
- 1. Start Test Terminal (wcom32.exe) from the Comtrol program group for your product.
- 2. Select the OK button if this screen appears:
- 3. From the Port menu, select Open Port. A list of possible COM port numbers appears.
- 4. Select the COM port you want to test.
- Testing a Comtrol Device
- Testing a Comtrol Device (RS-485)
- Test Terminal Modem Control Signals
- Using Port Monitor
- Using Peer Tracer
- Using Test Terminal
- Troubleshooting and Technical Support
- Troubleshooting
- 1. Follow the instructions in the Hardware Installation document to run the Diagnostic and verify...
- 2. Make sure the adapter is seated firmly in the expansion slot and that the expansion slot screw...
- 3. Verify that you are using the correct types of cables in the correct places and that all cable...
- 4. If you have an ISA adapter, make sure that you set the I/O DIP switch correctly.
- 5. Enable the Verbose Event Log feature under the Setup Options tab and then reboot the server.
- 6. Verify that you are addressing the port correctly. In many applications, device names above CO...
- 7. Verify that you have obtained and installed all Microsoft service packs for your operating sys...
- 8. Verify that you have obtained and installed the latest Comtrol driver for your adapter and ope...
- 9. Verify that you are using the correct ports. The RocketPort 8J mounting bracket and port numbe...
- 10. If you are using ISA-bus adapters, verify that the DIP switches on the adapters are set as de...
- 11. If you are using a PCI-bus adapter, check the Summary in the Device Setup window to verify th...
- 12. Use the Main Setup Options to reset the Scan Rate to 10 ms.
- 13. Remove the driver and reinstall it, using a different I/O address (ISA-bus adapters only).
- 14. If your RocketModem model supports the reset function, use the Reset function (page21) to re...
- 15. Use the Test Terminal program (wcom32.exe) to troubleshoot communications on a port-by-port b...
- 16. Use the Port Monitor program (portmon.exe) to check for errors, modem control, and status sig...
- Device Driver and OS Capabilities and Limitations
- Technical Support
- Troubleshooting
- Index