Comtrol Multiport Modems Windows 2000 User Manual
Comtrol Software
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Table of Contents
- Overview
- How to Use this Document
- Driver Requirements
- Driver Features
- Locating Hardware Installation Documentation
- Upgrading Your Operating System to Win2000
- 1. Before upgrading the operating system, remove the driver from the Windows 95/98 or Windows NT ...
- 2. Turn off the system, remove the boards, and set them aside.
- 3. Upgrade your system to Windows 2000.
- 4. Install the adapters and turn on the system.
- 5. Use the Installing the Driver and Removing or Disabling the Adapter discussions to set up the ...
- Driver and Adapter Information
- Removing or Disabling the Adapter
- 1. On the Windows desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon and select Manage.
- 2. Double-click on the Device Manager.
- 3. Open the Multi-port serial adapters entry (select the [+] button to expand the list).
- 4. Right-click on the adapter you want to disable or uninstall.
- 5. Select on one of the following:
- 6. Exit the Device Manager window and resume normal operations.
- Installing the Driver
- PCI Adapters
- 1. The Found New Hardware Wizard starts.
- 2. If you have not copied the most recent version of the driver on to the hard drive, do it now.
- 3. Select the Next button
- 4. Select the Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific...
- 5. Select the desired adapter from the Models list. Select the Have Disk button.
- 6. Select the Browse button to display the Open window. Go to the directory where the driver file...
- 7. The Install from Disk page reappears. Select the OK button.
- 8. The Select a Device Driver page reappears. Confirm that the desired adapter is selected, and s...
- 9. Select the Next button to start the installation process.
- 10. If the procedure displays the Digital Signature Not Found dialog box, select the Yes button t...
- 11. Select the Finish button.The new driver is now installed and the system starts to configure t...
- ISA Adapters
- 1. On the Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon.
- 2. Select the Properties button.
- 3. Select the Hardware tab.
- 4. Select the Hardware Wizard button.
- 5. Select the Next button when the Add/Remove Hardware wizard appears.
- 6. Select the Add/Troubleshoot a device option and the Next button.
- 7. Select the Add a new device option and the Next button.
- 8. Select the No, I want to select the hardware from a list option and the Next button.
- 9. Highlight Multi-port serial adapters when asked to choose the type of hardware to install and ...
- 10. Select Comtrol Corporation as the manufacturer, the appropriate Comtrol product you wish to i...
- 11. Select the Next button at the Start Hardware Installation screen.
- 12. Select the Finish button to complete the driver installation process.
- Setting I/O Addresses and DIP Switches (ISA Only)
- PCI Adapters
- Upgrading the Driver
- 1. Unzip the file into a new subdirectory, for example: \Comtrol.
- 2. On the Windows desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon and select Manage.
- 3. Select the Device Manager.
- 4. Open the Multi-port serial adapters item.
- 5. Right-click the device entry for which you want to update the driver, and select the Disable o...
- 6. Select Yes when the following dialog box appears:
- 7. Double-click on the disabled device, and select the Driver tab.
- 8. Select the Update Driver button.
- 9. Select the Next button to start the Upgrade Driver Wizard.
- 10. Select the Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specifi...
- 11. Select the Have Disk button.
- 12. Browse to the location of the driver file that you extracted, and then select the Open button.
- 13. Select the OK button.
- 14. Highlight the device and select the Next button.
- 15. Select the Next button.
- 16. Select Yes at the Digital Signature Not Found dialog box.
- 17. Select the Finish button to complete the driver installation process.
- 18. Select the Close button when you return to the Properties window.
- 19. Select Yes to restart your system.
- 20. After you restart the computer, return to the Device Manager, and select the Enable option fo...
- Accessing the Main Setup Tab
- 1. On the Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and select Manage from the short-cut ...
- 2. Select the Device Manager entry.
- 3. Select the [+] button for the adapter under Multi-port serial adapters to expand the view.
- 4. Right-click the adapter that you want to access and select Properties from the short-cut menu.
- 5. Select the Main Setup tab.
- Changing Device Properties
- Configuring Device Properties
- Configuring Port Properties
- Adding Additional Adapters
- Removing or Disabling the Adapter
- Configuring Modems Overview
- Installing Modems
- 1. Connect the modem to the desired port.
- 2. Turn on the modem.
- 3. Open the Control Panel window and double-click the Phone and Modem Options icon. Select the Ad...
- 4. Select the Don’t detect my modem; I will select it from a list check box, and select the Next ...
- 5. Select the appropriate manufacturer and model, and select the OK button. If the correct manufa...
- 6. Select the port you to which you want to install the modem. Select the Next button
- 7. Select the Finish button. The modem software is installed on the selected ports.
- 8. If you need to configure dialing properties (country, area code, calling card number, and so o...
- 9. When the Phone and Modem Options window reappears, select the Close button.
- Installing Modems
- Comtrol Tools
- Installing the Utilities (Windows 2000 and Windows XP)
- 1. Run the self-extracting utility file. You can optionally change the path that you want to extr...
- 2. Select the Next button to begin the Comtrol Utilities installation.
- 3. Select the Next button to install the Utilities in the default subdirectory.
- 4. Select the Next button to begin the installation.
- 5. Select the Finish button to complete the Utilities installation.
- Using Test Terminal
- 1. Start Test Terminal (wcom32.exe) from the Comtrol program group for your product.
- 2. Select the OK button if this screen appears:
- 3. From the Port menu, select Open Port. A list of possible COM port numbers displays.
- 4. Select the COM port you want to test.
- Testing a Comtrol Device
- Testing a Comtrol Device (RS-485)
- Test Terminal Modem Control Signals
- Using Port Monitor
- Using Peer Tracer
- Installing the Utilities (Windows 2000 and Windows XP)
- Troubleshooting and Technical Support
- Index