Comtrol RocketPort OS/2 Device Driver User Manual

Software installation card, Rocketport, Os/2

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Product Overview

Use this Installation Card to install and configure the
RocketPort device driver for the OS/2 operating system.

This Installation Card assumes that you have already
installed the OS/2 operating system (level 2.0 or higher)
on an ISA- or PCI-bus personal computer, and that you
have a basic understanding of OS/2 operation.

The following notes and instructions were developed
using OS/2 Warp, Version 4.

Known Limits

This driver supports the RocketPort series of ISA- and
PCI-bus serial port boards only. It does not support the
RocketPort Plus, RocketPort 485, or RocketModem.
This driver does not support NDIS (LAN Distance
Remote Access.)

The following Set Device Control Block IOCTL
parameters are not available with this device driver:

Input handshaking using DTR

Output handshaking using DSR

Output handshaking using DCD

Input sensitivity using DSR

This device driver supports up to 128 ports using any
combination of up to four RocketPort controller boards.

Installation Overview

Follow these general steps to install your RocketPort
board and device driver:

Install the RocketPort board, using the instructions
given in the Hardware Installation Card.


Use the bootable diagnostics to verify that the
RocketPort is installed and working correctly.


Reboot into OS/2.


Create a RocketPort driver directory on your hard
disk. For example: C:\ROCKET


Copy the file RCKT.SYS from the distribution media
to the directory you created in Step 4.


If you have installed only ISA-bus RocketPort
boards, skip to Step 7.
If you have installed one or more PCI-bus
RocketPort boards, use the FINDRCKT.EXE
program to determine board I/O addresses.


Edit the CONFIG.SYS file and add one driver load
line, as described in “Editing the CONFIG.SYS File.”


Reboot your system so that your changes take effect.

All hardware installation and diagnostic instructions
are found on the Hardware Installation Card, which is
packaged with your RocketPort controller board. If this
card is missing, you can download the most recent
version from the Comtrol web or ftp site. Always use the
most recent version of the driver and documentation.


If you have installed one or more PCI-bus RocketPort
boards, use the FINDRCKT.EXE program to determine
the I/O address and IRQ assigned to each PCI board by
the system BIOS.
If you have installed only ISA-bus RocketPort boards,
continue with the “Editing the CONFIG.SYS File

FINDRCKT.EXE must be run from the DOS command
line, either from a DOS boot or from a DOS window
within OS/2. The program can be run from either the
hard drive or the installation diskette.

To run the program, log to the drive containing the
program and enter FINDRCKT on the command line.
The program returns the I/O address and IRQ for each
PCI RocketPort installed in the system.

Note: The RocketPort driver uses one interrupt. If you

have more than one PCI board installed, use the
IRQ assigned to the
first board in the load line.





Device Driver

Software Installation Card