Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual

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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al

Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014

4. Getting Started

A. Logging In

Once you have com p leted installation and have restarted you r com p u ter, select
Talk-A-Lert Base Station from the Start -> Program s m enu . When you start the
Talk-A-Lert base station you are p rom p ted for a u ser ID. The d efau lt u ser ID is Ad m in
w ith no p assw ord . You r first tim e logging in, you w ill be asked to change the Ad m in
p assw ord for secu rity p u rp oses.

After logging in, we strongly recommended that you create user ID’s for the other users
of the system and set their secu rity p erm issions ap p rop riately (see ad m inistration).

B. Conversion

In ord er to convert you r d atabase from Talk -A-Lert 2.5.3 or earlier, the file m u st be
nam ed tap d ata.d bf. If it is not so nam ed , renam e the file.

Und er the Ad m inistration m enu , select Conversion. Either typ e the p ath of you r old
d atabase, or brow se to find the location. When you have the correct p ath entered , hit
the Convert bu tton.