Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual
Page 33

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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al
Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014
em ergency p hone, the p hone nu m ber, or the connection.
Do you have the Verify Com p lete ID Match box checked for
these p hones? If so, u ncheck it and p ress Save.
Check in the p oll resu lts for the DTMF resp onse. Does it sa y
"OK" (w ith or w ithou t any trailing d igits)? See below .
An alert w ind ow is not
p op p ing u p w hen a call
com es in
If you r base station is connected to the head set of the p hone
receiving incom ing calls, try tu rning the volum e u p to m ake
su re the base station “hears” the alert tones.
Make su re the Listener is active.
When I attem p t to start
any of the Talk-A-Lert
p rogram s, I get a
w ind ow asking m e to
log in to SQLAN Y50.
Using Wind ow s Exp lorer op en the d irectory
c:\ talk-a-p hone\ d atabase
• If you see a file called “Talert.log”, delete it.
• If your database file has any name other than "talert.db",
change it to "talert.d b"
You m ay have a p roblem w ith the p ath statem ent in you r
au toexec.bat file. The p ath shou ld inclu d e
c:\ talk-a-p hone\ sqlany50\ w in32 (if you r hard d rive is "c").
If you have p u t the p oller and listener ap p lications in the
au tostart m enu , there m ay be a tim ing p roblem . Rem ove
them from this m enu and instead , check the au tostart poller
and au tostart listener boxes in the p oller and listen er
p references (p ages 15 & 17).
In m y p oll resu lts, the
DTMF resu lt contains
Are the non-verifying p hones on EC-8 consolid ators?
1) Change the follow ing p oller p references:
H ang Up Phone Delay = 2
Consolid ator Delay = 9
Data Tim e Ou t = 45
If this d oesn't w ork, try p lu gging a non -verifying p hone
d irectly into the p hone line that the EC-8 w as p lu gged into.
Tem p orarily change the p hone nu m ber of this p hone to
rem ove the *4X* (w here X is the p ort on the EC-8). Then if
this p hone verifies, the p roblem is w ith the EC-8.
Often, this ind icates that there is noise on the line. To test
this, try sw itching a non verifying p hone w ith a verifying
p hone so that the non -verifying p hone is u sing all the w iring
of the verifying p hone. If the p roblem p hone now v erifies,
there is a p roblem w ith the w iring. If the DTMF resu lt has
som e d igits after the "OK", call Talk-A-Phone tech su p p ort.
When I receive an
This u su ally ind icates a COM p ort conflict. If the p oller is