Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual
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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al
Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014
3. Installation
A. Hardw are
Using the su p p lied m od em cable, connect the external m od em * to an available COM
p ort on you r com p u ter. By d efau lt the ap p lication w ill look for the m od em on COM 2,
bu t this can easily be changed (see Preferences). Once the m od em has been installed ,
connect a telep hone line to the m od em jack labeled LIN E. (If you are u sing an SC-96 or
SC-24 Su p er Consolid ator, be su re to read the instru ctions for that m od el for connecting
to Talk-A-Lert).
Connect the USB secu rity key to the p rinter port on you r com p u ter. This key MUST
rem ain in you r USB port at all tim es or the app lication w ill shu t d ow n.
Using the cable p rovid ed , connect the EB-300 Base Station to a serial COM p ort on you r
com p u ter. By d efau lt the ap p lication w ill look to COM 1, bu t this can easily be changed
(see Preferences). N ow connect a telep hone line to the jack labeled LIN E on the EB-300
Base Station. Connect the telep hone that w ill receive incom ing calls to the jack labeled
PH ON E on the EB-300. If you are u sing a d igital p hone line, be su re to read the sp ecial
section below .
Finally, connect the EB-300 p ow er su p p ly to a 120VAC ou tlet and to the Base Station
itself. You are now read y to turn on your com p u ter and install the softw are.
B. Softw are
Insert the CD into the CD ROM d rive. Make su re there are no other ap p lica tions
running, then select RUN from the START menu. Type “D:\ setup.exe” and then follow
the installation p rogram s instru ctions. If you r CD d rive is not D, typ e the ap p rop riate
p ath.
Be su re to register your cop y of Talk-A-Lert in ord er to be eligible for free u p d ates.
C. D igital Phone Lines
If you are u sing a d igital p hone line, you m u st connect the Base Station (EB-300) in
p arallel w ith the p hone hand set u sing the inclu d ed sp litter cable (see Figu re 1).
1. Plu g the inclu d ed m ale RJ11 sp litter into the LIN E p ort in the Base Station.
2. Unp lu g the RJ10 p hone cord from you r d igital p hone base and p lu g it into
one of the fem ale p orts on the inclu d ed RJ11 sp litter.
3. Plu g another RJ10 cord into the second p ort of the sp litter w ith the other
end going into the hand set.