Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual

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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al

Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014

B. User Config

N OTE: You cannot change the Ad m in u ser nam e or p revent the Ad m in from being able
to ed it u sers.

To ad d a new u ser, select from the p ull-d ow n m enu . Then enter the u ser nam e
and p assw ord .

Add Phones: The u ser is allow ed to ad d new p hones to the system . The save bu tton

w ill be active.

Edit Phones: The u ser can ed it/ change p hone d ata. The save bu tton w ill be active.

D elete Phones: The u ser can d elete p hones.

Edit Users: This u ser can ed it/ create other u sers.

Other Admin Functions: These fu nctions are station ed iting and general ad m in

configu ration.

D elete Incoming calls: This allow s the u ser to d elete an incom ing call from the

incom ing call w ind ow by right clicking on the p hone ID and selecting Delete.

Re-Assign Incoming Calls: This allow s the u ser to change the station that an

incom ing call ap p ears on. This is only for the Central Station version.

D elete Poll Runs: This allow s the u ser to right click on one or m ore p oll ru ns in the

p oll history w ind ow and d elete the ru ns.