Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual
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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al
Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014
C. Entering N ew D ata
From the View m enu select Telep hone Inform ation. Press the Ad d bu tton in the
N avigation area to clear ou t all field s, then enter the ap prop riate inform ation:
Phone ID is the 6-d igit u niqu e ID p rogram m ed into you r em ergency p hone.
Group is for organizational p u rp oses only.
Phone N umber is the nu m ber that m u st be d ialed to reach the em ergency p hone.
To achieve a p au se u se a com m a.
Authorized Entry List is for storing a list of nam es and inform ation associated w ith
an em ergency p hone (typ ically u sed for access control).
1. Verify Complete ID Match is u sed only if you need to confirm the ID of the p hone
nu m ber you are p olling.
The requ ired field s are: Phone ID, Phone N u m ber, and Instru ctions.
To ad d a p olling tim e to an em ergency p hone, enter a tim e in the Poll Tim es w ind ow ,
then p ress the Ad d bu tton. At this tim e you m ay ad d as m any p oll tim es as you d esire.
When you are d one entering the inform ation for an em ergency p hone, p ress the save
bu tton. Then enter any ad d itional em ergency p hones by rep eating the p roced u re.
H ere's a short cu t w hen ad d ing m u ltip le p hones w ith sim ilar inform ation:
1) Enter all the inform ation for the first p hone, inclu d ing p oll tim es, and p ress Save
2) N ow change the Phone ID and Phone N u m ber field s and any other inform ation that
is u niqu e and p ress Save