Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual
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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al
Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014
9. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I backup my data to a disk? The d ata file is located at C:/ Talk-A-
Phone/ Database/ talert.d b (d ep end ing on the installation, the Database su b -
d irectory m ay be located w ithin a d ifferent d irectory). You m u st qu it all Talk-A-Lert
p rogram s before m aking a cop y of this file.
If you are m anaging a large nu m ber of em ergency p hones and / or p olling several
tim es p er d ay, you r d atabase m ay soon exceed the cap acity of a flop p y d isk. We
recom m end that those u sers either save their d ata to a netw ork d rive (if available) or
to a CD-R or CD-RW.
If you have a backu p of you r d atabase, you can re-install Talk-A-Lert from the
original d isk as necessary, and then sim p ly cop y the saved d atabase over the new ly
installed one in ord er to restore you r d ata.
B. Can tw o people answ er the phone that connects to the Talk –A–Lert computer? As
long as the Base Station (black box) is in line w ith the p hone that receives the
incom ing em ergency call, Talk-A-Lert w ill w ork w ith m u ltip le p hone lines. A
sim p le w ay to accom p lish this is to connect tw o p hone lines to the Base Station u sing
a Y-connector (p hone line sp litter). If this op tion is not feasible, you m ay need to
arrange you r p hone system so that the Base Station is in line w ith the GROUP o f
p hones receiving em ergency calls.