Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual

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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al

Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014

Please note that there m u st alw ays be an ID 0, w hich is the d efau lt Listener ID. To ad d
an ad d itional Listener ID, select from the d rop d ow n m enu .

Auto Start Listener: When the system boots the listener w ill au tom atically start u p .

Modem Speed: 2400—DO N OT CH AN GE

Modem Port: COM port being u sed w ith EB-300 Base Station (D =1)

Station ID : Station ID that this listener is ru nning on. This is for id entifying w hich

gu ard w as at the station. (D =0)

Timer Interval: Frequ ency w hich the listener u p d ates its statu s. This statu s is u sed

only for the task bar d isp lay. (D =60)

Incoming Buffer Length: N u m ber of characters w e exp ect from the serial p ort

w hen an incom ing call is received . Once w e get this nu m ber of characters w e
d eterm ine the ID by com p aring the string after the first *9 w ith the string after th e
second *9. (D =32)

Print to D efault Printer: If this box is checked , every tim e an incom ing call is

received a report w ill be au tom atically p rinted to the p rinter sp ecified as Defau lt
Printer in the Printer Control Panel.

N ote: You m u st have a p rinter installed and sp ecified as d efau lt for Talk -A-Lert to
w ork p rop erly.