Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual
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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al
Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014
7. Preferences
The follow ing is a list and brief exp lanation of all of the featu res of the Ad m inistration
-> Preferences. In m ost cases, the d efau lt nu m bers w ill w ork fine, su ggested valu es are
in bold after each p reference. N ote: u sers w ithou t ad m inistrative p rivileges m ay typ e
changes into existing field s, bu t w ill not be allow ed to save (or activate) these changes.
A. General
Allow Incoming Calls Auto Acknow ledged If this box is checked the u ser can hit
the acknow led ge bu tton on an incom ing alert and not have to enter any inform ation.
If they au to-acknow led ge, a text line w ill be inserted into the com m ents stating
“Auto Acknowledged by John Guard (3)”. The 3 is the user ID number.
Alert WAV File If this file exists it w ill be p layed w hen an alert com es in. If you
w ant a d ifferent sou nd sim p ly rep lace this sou nd file w ith you r ow n.
Multiple Poller Configuration Allow ed If you are u sing m ore than one m od em .
Poller Status Timer H ow often, in second s, the base station checks to see the statu s
of the p olling system . (D =5)
Poller D isplay Timer H ow often, in second s, the clock u p d ates itself. (D =1)
Poll Run D efault D isplay D ate Offsets When you view p oll ru n resu lts the d ate
window will default to today’s date modified by the offsets here. Use negative
nu m bers to go backw ard s. (D = -7 to +28)
Phone List Refresh Timer H ow often, in second s, the Telep hone Inform ation screen
w ill refresh itself w ith u p d ated inform ation. N ote: frequ ent refreshing w ill slow
other com p u ter op erations, su ch as p olling. (Recommended 120 or greater)