Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual

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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al

Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014

4. The sp litter w ill allow the EB-300 to cap tu re the DTMF tones, bu t w ill

red u ce the volu m e of the hand set as w ell as the EB-300 base station. For
p rop er fu nctionality of Talk-A-Lert, the handset volume MUST BE SET TO
. Please p rogram the attend ant p hone station to the highest
volu m e setting. If you are u sing the EB-300 in conju nction w ith a Talk-A-
Phone/ Iw atsu PBX system , p lease call Talk -A-Phone’s Technical Su p p ort
line at (773) 539-1100.

5. Once the rest of the installation is com p lete, test ou t the EB-300 to see if the

LED's light w hen you receive a call.

Figure 1. Connecting the Base Station to a d igital p hone hand set

D . Talk-A-Lert Special Options (OASIS, Multiple Pollers, etc.)

If you have p u rchased Talk-A-Lert w ith one of the sp ecial op tions, su ch as the Oasis
Secu rity Integration System , you w ill need to call Talk -A-Phone to have a Talk-A-Lert
sp ecialist activate these op tions. First com p lete the norm al installation of Talk -A-Lert,
then call (773) 539-1100 and ask for a Talk-A-Lert sp ecialist.