Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual
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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al
Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014
5. Poller
To start the p oller either select the p rogram from the Start -> Program s -> Talk-A-Lert
m enu , or from w ithin the Base Station select Start Poller from the Polling m enu . An
icon w ill ap p ear in the system tray to ind icate that the p oller is ru nning in the
backgrou nd .
The p olling system is basically a First -In-First-Ou t (FIFO) qu eu e. Phones are ad d ed to
the end of the qu eu e w hen their p oll tim e is reached and the p oller p olls them . As long
as there are p hones in the qu eu e, the p olling system w ill continu e p olling.
Phones can be load ed into the p olling qu eu e in fou r w ays:
1. The p oller checks the cu rrent tim e w ith any phones that have a m atching p oll tim e.
For exam p le, w hen the com p u ter system tim e reaches 2:45p m , any p hone set to p oll
at that tim e w ou ld be ad d ed to the end of the p olling qu eu e.
2. If the u ser selects Poll All Phones from the Polling m enu , all p hones w ill be ad d ed to
the end of the p olling qu eu e.
3. If the u ser from the base station clicks on Poll This Phone N ow ! from w ithin the
Telep hone Inform ation w ind ow , a m essage is sent to the p oller. The p hone ID o f the
selected p hone is ad d ed to the end of the queu e so that it w ill be p olled as soon as
any cu rrently p olls are com p leted .
4. If the u ser selects Poll N ext Scheduled Phones from the Polling m enu , a m essage is
sent to the p oller. All p hones that w ere next in line to be p olled are ad d ed to the end
of the qu eu e. Exam p le: It is now 2:45 PM and there are 5 p hones set to poll at 6:00
PM. When Poll N ext Scheduled Phones is selected , those 5 p hones w ill be ad d ed to
the qu eu e and be p olled . If the p olling syst em is cu rrently p olling, these p hones w ill
be p olled once the p hones ahead of the new p hones have been p olled . (N ote: At 6:00
PM these p hones w ill be p olled again. This op tion d oes not alter the p oll tim es of
those 5 p hones.)