Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual
Talk-a-lert 3.31 emergency phone system, Installation/operation manual, For window s xp/7
Talk-A-Phone Co.
Rev. 2/3/2014
7530 N orth N atchez Avenu e N iles, Illinois 60714-3804
Phone: (773) 539-1100 Fax: (773) 539-1241
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Talk-A-Lert 3.31 Emergency Phone System
For Window s XP/7
Installation/Operation Manual
See also other documents in the category Talkaphone Accessories communication:
- CU-16 Area of Refuge Surface Mount Command Unit (5 pages)
- CU-8 Area of Rescue Surface Mount Command Unit (5 pages)
- CU-8R Area of Rescue Flush Mount Command Unit (5 pages)
- EB-200 Base Station (9 pages)
- EC-2 Emergency Phone Consolidator (7 pages)
- EC-8 Emergency Phone Consolidator (16 pages)
- ETP-100E Flush Mount Emergency Phone (28 pages)
- ETP-CDMA-V CDMA Cellular Interface (6 pages)
- ETP-DMRK Punch-Down Block (2 pages)
- ETP-EL LED Blue Light (120V) (2 pages)
- ETP-EL12/24 LED Blue Light (12/24V) (3 pages)
- ETP-GSM GSM Cellular Interface (10 pages)
- ETP-MT/R Campus Emergency Phone Tower (2 pages)
- ETP-MT-72 Emergency Phone Tower (2 pages)
- ETP-MT/R AED Defibrillator Emergency Phone Tower (5 pages)
- ETP-MT/R OP SOLAR Solar Powered Emergency Phone Tower (25 pages)
- ETP-MT/R OP4D Radius Emergency Phone Tower with Dual CCTV Arm (2 pages)
- ETP-PDMK-2 Parking Deck Mounting Kit (1 page)
- ETP-PDMK-4 Parking Deck Mounting Kit (1 page)
- ETP-PM Pedestal Mount (3 pages)
- ETP-PMKT Pole Mounting Kit (2 pages)
- ETP-SM Emergency Call Box Surface Mount (2 pages)
- ETP-SME Surface Mount Extension (1 page)
- ETP-SMW Surface Mount for Wireless and Switched Power (1 page)
- ETP-UPS Back-up Power Supply (8 pages)
- ETP-WM Emergency Communication Wall Mount Station (3 pages)
- ETP-WM/E Economy Wall Mount Emergency Phone Station (2 pages)
- HS-RF-1 Wireless Headset (5 pages)
- IW-HFM-4 Interview Window 4-Button Master (13 pages)
- K-S-112X Cradle Phone Sub-Station (3 pages)
- KB-LC-2 Single Channel Master (4 pages)
- KB-LC-2W Single Channel Master with Annunciator (4 pages)
- KB-ML-10 Ten Channel Master (5 pages)
- KB-ML-10WA Ten Channel Master with Annunciator (5 pages)
- MS-400 Flush Mount Sleeve (1 page)
- PBX-136 (5 pages)
- PCS-42-6 Power Charging System (42 Ah) (3 pages)
- PCS-84-10 Power Charging System (84 Ah) (3 pages)
- SA-1 Scream Alert (2 pages)
- VOIP-1 VoIP Interface (1 channel) (43 pages)
- VOIP-201C Surface Mount Single Button Compact IP Call Station (8 pages)
- VOIP-500 Single Button Native VoIP Emergency Phone (90 pages)
- VOIP-600E Single Button Emergency IP Call Station (94 pages)
- WEBS-CM-2 WEBS Communications Module (53 pages)