Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual
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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al
Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014
Convert D ata: This allow s the u ser to convert old tap d ata.d bf files. WARN IN G:
converting d ata w hile cu rrent d ata exists w ill overw rite all existing d ata for any
p hone ID that m atches.
Print Reports: This featu re is not im p lem ented at this tim e. All u sers can p rint
rep orts.
Change Ow n Passw ord: Allow s the u ser to change his ow n p assw ord .
C. Poller
Defau lts are set for the m od em inclu d ed w ith Talk -A-Lert. If you are u sing a d ifferent
m od em , you m ay have to change som e of these settings. In ad d ition, p lease note that
there m u st alw ays be an ID 0, w hich is the d efau lt p oller ID. To ad d an ad d itional
Poller ID, select
Auto Start Poller: When the system boots the p oller w ill au tom atically start u p .
Modem N ame: This is only for the u ser to know w hat m od em is being u sed . It has
no bearing on the op eration of the p oller.
Modem Speed: 1200—Do not change.
Modem Port: Which COM p ort the m od em is connected to. (D =2)
Alert WAV File: If this file exists it w ill be p layed w hen a p hone d oes not p oll
su ccessfu lly. If you w ant a d ifferent sou nd , rep lace this sou nd file w ith you r ow n.