Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual

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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al

Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014

8. Reports

Talk-A-Lert com es w ith the follow ing Rep orts:

D etail Report for Selected Phone: This rep ort, accessible from the m ain Telep hone

Inform ation w ind ow by p ressing the Print bu tton in the N avigation area, p rints the
inform ation for the highlighted em ergency phone.

D etail Report for All Selected Phones: This rep ort, accessible from the m ain

Telep hone Inform ation w ind ow by p ressing the Print bu tton in the N avigation area,
p rints the inform ation for all p hones cu rrently d isp layed .

Summary Report for All Selected Phones: This rep ort, accessible from the m ain

Telep hone Inform ation w ind ow by p ressing the Print bu tton in the N avigation area,
p rints a su m m ary of all p hones cu rrently d isp layed .

Poll Run Report: This rep ort, accessible from the Poll Resu lts w ind ow , p rints the

resu lts of a single p oll ru n.

Poll History for Selected Phone: This rep ort, accessible from the m ain Telep hone

Inform ation w ind ow by p ressing the Print bu tton in the N avigation area (also from
the Call H istory w ind ow ), p rints the resu lts of p olls w ithin a u ser -selected tim e-
fram e m ad e to the selected em ergency p hone.

Current Phone Errors (All Phones): This rep ort, accessible from the m ain Telep hone

Inform ation w ind ow by p ressing the Print bu tton in the N avigation area, p rints the
list of all em ergency p hones w ith errors from the m ost cu rrent p oll ru n.

For those interested in ad d itional r ep orts, you m ay contact Talk-A-Phone to d esign
them for you . Alternately, you m ay w rite you r ow n u sing any ODBC -com p liant rep ort
w riter.

The Talk-A-Lert d atabase is a Sybase SQLAnyw here d atabase. A rep ort w riter can
access the d atabase u sing:

DSN Sou rce = Talk-A-Phone-AW


Passw ord


The tables are ow ned by the u ser TAP, so selects m u st be m ad e from tap .p hones, etc.
The only table not accessible is the User Ad m in table. You m u st access the rw _u sers
view to get d ata for the u ser .