Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual

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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al

Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014

10. Troubleshooting

Know n Conflicts: Ap p lications that ru n au tom atically on a tim ed basis or on startu p ,
su ch as anti-viru s or d efrag p rogram s, have been know n to cau se conflicts w ith Talk -A-
Lert. A possible solu tion in the case of anti-viru s p rogram s is to scan only p rogram files
instead of all files.



I forgot m y p assw ord .

As a secu rity m easu re, there is no back d oor entry into the
p rogram . Call Talk-A-Phone Co. and ask for a Talk-A-Lert
Sp ecialist.

I tried to p oll a p hone
(or all p hones) for the
first tim e and nothing
hap p ened

You m u st have one p oll tim e entered for a p hone in ord er for
the p oller to activate. To ad d a p oll tim e, see the section 4C.
Entering N ew d ata.

I can't p oll at all.

You m ay have a p roblem w ith you r COM port. Make su re
you have set the port in the p oller p references the sam e as
the p ort in w hich you have installed you r m od em . Also
m ake su re you d on't have any other d evices u sing the COM
p orts you have chosen. Even if you have rem oved another
d evice, the COM port m ay still be set for the old d evice. To
verify you r COM p ort, you can install Talk -A-Lert on another
com p u ter (a lap top if available) that you know has a native,
u nu sed COM p ort.

Make su re you r p hone line is good . Plu g a p hone into the
Phone jack of the m od em and try to call the nu m ber you
have entered in the Phone N u m ber field of one of the
p hones.

Make su re the Poller is active.
Was the Poll Result “N O CARRIER”? This indicates that
there is no d ial tone on the m od em ’s p hone line.

I can't see anything in
the Poll Resu lts
w ind ow , bu t I know I
p olled recently.

Check the Date Range in the Poll Resu lts w ind ow . Change it
to inclu d e tod ay's d ate, then p ress the refresh bu tton.

Check the Poll Ru n Defau lt Disp lay Date Offsets in the
General Preferences. Each tim e you restart Talk -A-Lert it
resets the d ate range of the Poll Resu lts w ind ow . If you d on't
restart, eventu ally the d ate ranges w ill need to be changed .

A lot of m y p oll resu lts
seem to be not verified .

In the p oller p references, u nd er the Ad m inistration m enu ,
red u ce the Minim u m Resu lt Length to 8.

Plu g an analog p hone into the p hone p ort on the m od em and
call the p hones that are having p roblem s. Do they answ er
w ith a series of tones? If not, there is p roblem w ith either the