Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual
Page 25

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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al
Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014
Exam p le: Dialing 555-1212*41* w ith a Consolid ator Delay of 7 and Data Tim e Ou t
set to 30, the follow ing sequ ence w ou ld hap p en:
1. Poller op ens the m od em p ort and send s the m od em hang u p string (1 second )
2. Poller send s the m od em initialization string (1 second )
3. Poller send s the voice m od e com m and string (1-2 second s)
4. Poller d ials the p hone nu m ber (d ial tone m ay take 1 second , 1 second to send the
p hone nu m ber, w ait 14 second s and then send the *41* )
5. Poller w aits for the em ergency p hone to send the text d ata back. At this p oint 20
second s have p assed , leaving 10 second s or less for the d ata to be sent back. Any
extra d elays su ch as d ial tone and actu al p hone d ialing can ad d u p .
6. After d ata has been retu rned , the p oller d eterm ines if it need s to send the # (H ang
Up Phone Delay)
7. Poller p u ts the m od em into d ata m od e
8. Poller send s the m od em hang-u p string
9. Poller w aits H ang Up Phone Delay second s then the next p hone in the qu eu e
Result Length: N u m ber of characters w e exp ect the em ergency p hone to send . This
field is not cu rrently in u se. (D =16)
Retry Count: N u m ber of tim es to try to get the p hone ID or red ial if bu sy/ no
answ er. If there is a m ism atched ID, the p oller w ill send the *9* sequ ence this m any
tim es trying to get a correct ID. Each tim e it send s the sequ en ce, the tim er (Data
Tim e Ou t) is reset and w aits for d ata again. It is p ossible to get a m ism atched ID
and send the *9*, and have the em ergency phone not send any d ata. If this hap p ens
N O AN SWER w ill be record ed . (D =1)
Minimum Result Length: Once this m any characters retu rn from the em ergency
phone, the data is considered “received.” The buffer is read once more to check for
straggling characters and then the IDs are com p ared . (D =8)
D . Listener