Listener – Talkaphone ETP-TAL Talk-A-Lert User Manual

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Talk-A-Lert III Manu al

Rev. 2/ 3/ 2014

6. Listener

The listener m u st be ru nning in ord er to receive incom ing calls on you r com p u ter. To
start the listener, select the p rogram from the Start -> Program s -> Talk-A-Lert m enu .
An icon w ill ap p ear in the system tray to ind icate that the p oller is ru nning in the
backgrou nd .

When a call com es in, the Listener w ill com m u nicate w ith the Base Station. If the Base
Station is not ru nning, it w ill be started and the login w ind ow w ill ap p ear. An
Incom ing Call w ind ow w ill op en u p , as w ell as an alert w ind ow . If the call is activated
by p ressing the 2


bu tton of a 2-bu tton em ergency p hone, the alert w ind ow w ill say

ALERT! In all other cases, the alert w ind ow w ill say EMERGEN CY!

At this tim e, th e p erson resp ond ing to the call m ay either acknow led ge the call or close
the w ind ow in ord er to resp ond later

To answ er, enter your inform ation in the action taken field and then p ress the
acknow led ge bu tton. If the Au to-Acknow led ge op tion is enabled (see p references), you
m ay p ress the acknow led ge bu tton w ithou t typ ing any inform ation in the action taken
field , and the p rogram w ill record an au to-acknow led ge m essage.

To answ er at a later tim e, close the w ind ow by clicking on the X in the u p p er right
corner. The call w ill be logged in the Incom ing Calls w ind ow and can be answ ered at
any tim e.