Compaq AA-Q88CE-TE User Manual
Page 302
RTR Utility Error Messages
%RTR-E-UNEXPEND, Expression ended before [A] encountered
Explanation: The expression is invalid because it terminated where when
token [A] was expected.
%RTR-E-UNKNOWQUAL, Invalid qualifier keyword value - check your program
Explanation: Status return indicating that an unrecognised qualifier
keyword value was supplied. Check your program, and refer to the RTR
Application Programmer’s Reference Manual for permissible values.
%RTR-F-UNRROUNAM, Unrecognised api routine name for CALL
Explanation: The parameter for the CALL command is the name (or part
of a name) of an rtr api routine. This allows the user to type, e.g. rtr call
accept instead of rtr call rtr_accept_tx. This message is issued if the user has
specified a part of an api routine name that does not match the name of an
rtr api routine.
%RTR-F-VALREQ, Missing qualifier or keyword value - supply all required
Explanation: A value must be specified for the keyword or qualifier.
%RTR-F-VALTOOBIG, 0x[A] is too big for [A] byte number
Explanation: A value has been specified that cannot be stored in the
number of bytes specified. Specify a smaller value or a larger number of
%RTR-E-VERMISMAT, RTR version mismatch
Explanation: Indicates that utilities and/or sharable images being used are
intended for a different version of RTR to that which is currently running on
the system.
This message can however be ignored when it is displayed after issuing the
first "STOP RTR" command after having just installed a new RTR release.
%RTR-I-WFPROCESS, Waiting for [A] to start up
Explanation: Displays the name [A] of the operation that completed on a
channel after issuing a "SYS$SYNCH" command.
%RTR-E-WILNOTALL, Wild cards not allowed
Explanation: Wildcards ("%" and "*") are not allowed.
%RTR-E-WTTR, Not in contact with sufficient router nodes - please retry later
Explanation: Returned by a set partition command when either inquorate
or no routers available to process the command. Try again later when none of
the above conditions exist.
D–26 RTR Utility Error Messages