Compaq AA-Q88CE-TE User Manual
Page 282
RTR Utility Error Messages
%RTR-F-ERRACCDIR, Directory [A], cannot be accessed or opened
Explanation: A directory cannot be accessed or opened.
%RTR-E-ERRACCFIL, Error accessing file [A]
Explanation: Displays the name [A] of a file that the RTR utility was
unable to access.
%RTR-E-ERRACCMBX, Error accessing mailbox
Explanation: An error occurred whilst accessing a mailbox. The subsequent
message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRACCNOD, Error accessing node [A]
Explanation: An error occurred whilst accessing node [A]. If you were
using the /NODE or /CLUSTER qualifier to issue a remote command please
check that you are able to execute simple non-Rtr remote shell or DECnet
commands on the remote node. Rtr remote commands will not work unless
remote shell software is installed and proxy and rhost settings are correctly
configured. Also check that both nodes have the same RTR_PREF_PROT
value on platforms that can use both DECnet and TCP/IP.
%RTR-E-ERRACCTAB, Error accessing tables
Explanation: Indicates that the configuration tables could not be accessed.
The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRCREMBX, Error creating mailbox
Explanation: An error occurred whilst creating a mailbox. The subsequent
message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRDELMBX, Error deleting mailbox
Explanation: An error occurred whilst deleting a mailbox. The subsequent
message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRGETNOD, Error obtaining information for node [A]
Explanation: An error occurred whilst trying to look up node [A] in the
DECnet database. The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRINIACS, Unable to initialize tables
Explanation: Indicates that the configuration tables could not be initialized.
The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-F-ERRJOUNAM, Error in journal file name - CREATE JOURNAL
/SUPERSEDE and submit SPR
Explanation: An RTR journal file has been found which has an incorrect
name format. This is probably an RTR bug, submit an SPR. This status may
be returned by the CREATE FACILITY and SHOW JOURNAL commands.
Reissue the RTR CREATE JOURNAL command before restarting RTR.
%RTR-E-ERROPEFIL, Error opening file [A]
Explanation: Displays the name [A] of a file that the RTR utility was
unable to open.
%RTR-F-ERROPEJOU, Error opening journal file, stv: [A]
Explanation: An error occurred while opening a journal file.
D–6 RTR Utility Error Messages