3 memory display, 4 port format, Appendix bootstrap loader – Kontron VM162 User Manual
Page 100
Appendix Bootstrap Loader
Page BOOT- 8
© PEP Modular Computers
Juli 23, 1997
4.3 Memory Display
md [
Without parameters specified, the FLASH contents starting at 0x4000000 are displayed. This function is not limited to
FLASH and other address ranges can be specified.
Note: The ResetPC in FLASH is not identical to the ResetPC from the programming source (S-records memory block).
4.4 Port Format
pf [
Without parameters specified, the current serial port settings are displayed.
9600, 19200 and 38400 Baud can be specified.
Note: No spaces are allowed between the options. Options must be separated with the '/'. Not all options must be specified,
but the '/' characters must be present to distinguish the different options from each other. The sequence can be aborted after
every option.
Setting term to 300 Baud, 7 Bits/char, odd parity and 2 stopbits:
pf term 300/7/o/n
Set the bits / character field to 7 for ser0 only:
pf ser0 /7