Carrier 16DF013-050 User Manual
Start-up, operation, and maintenance instructions

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
PC 211
Catalog No. 531-603
Printed in U.S.A.
Form 16DF-1SS
Pg 1
Replaces: New
Book 1
Start-Up, Operation, and
Maintenance Instructions
Absorption liquid chillers/heaters provide safe and reliable service
when operated within design specifications. When operating this
equipment, use good judgment and safety precautions to avoid
damage to equipment and property or injury to personnel.
Be sure you understand and follow the procedures and safety pre-
cautions contained in the machine instructions as well as those
listed in this guide.
DO NOT USE OXYGEN or air to purge lines, leak test, or pressurize
a machine. Use nitrogen.
NEVER EXCEED specified test pressures. For the 16DF machine,
the maximum pressure is 12 psig (83 kPa). For the chilled/hot water
and condensing water piping, the maximum pressure is stamped on
the machine.
WEAR goggles and suitable protective clothing when handling lith-
ium bromide, octyl alcohol, inhibitor, lithium hydroxide, and hydro-
bromic acid. IMMEDIATELY wash any spills from the skin with
soap and water. IMMEDIATELY FLUSH EYES with water and con-
sult a physician.
DO NOT USE eyebolts or eyebolt holes to rig machine sections or the
entire assembly.
DO NOT work on high-voltage equipment unless you are a qualified
DO NOT WORK ON electrical components, including control pan-
els or switches, until you are sure ALL POWER IS OFF and no resid-
ual voltage can leak from capacitors or solid-state components.
LOCK OPEN AND TAG electrical circuits during servicing. IF
WORK IS INTERRUPTED, confirm that all circuits are deenergized
before resuming work.
NEVER DISCONNECT safety devices or bypass electric interlocks
and operate the machine. Also, never operate the machine when any
safety devices are not adjusted and functioning normally.
DO NOT REPEAT unsuccessful ignition attempts or restart after
flame failure without assurance that post-purge and prepurge have
eliminated combustible gas or all vapors from the combustion cham-
ber. DO NOT EVER ATTEMPT IGNITION of a burner if there is
shutdown leakage of gas or oil through the fuel shutoff valves or from
the fuel lines.
DO NOT syphon lithium bromide or any other chemical by mouth.
BE SURE all hydrogen has been exhausted before cutting into purge
chambers. Hydrogen mixed with air can explode when ignited.
chine, some noxious fumes may be produced. Ventilate the area thor-
oughly to avoid breathing concentrated fumes.
DO NOT perform any welding or flamecutting to a machine while it
is under a vacuum or pressurized condition.
NEVER APPLY an open flame or live steam to a refrigerant cyl-
inder. Dangerous overpressure can result. When necessary to heat a
cylinder, use only warm (110 F [43 C]) water.
DO NOT REUSE disposable (nonreturnable) cylinders or attempt to
refill them. It is DANGEROUS AND ILLEGAL. When cylinder is
emptied, bleed off remaining gas pressure, loosen the collar and
unscrew and discard the valve stem. DO NOT INCINERATE.
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE fittings, covers, etc., while ma-
chine is under pressure or while machine is running, and DO NOT
OPERATE or pressurize a machine without all cover plates or bolts in
source to ensure that a constant power supply is maintained to the unit
in the event that the main electrical power source is interrupted or
temporarily lost. Failure to provide an emergency power source to the
chiller could result in crystallization of the lithium bromide solution
inside the machine, rendering it temporarily inoperative. A potentially
lengthy decrystallization process might be required to return the
chiller to normal operation depending on the severity of the crystalli-
zation and/or the length of time the machine was without power.
water and condenser water pumps to prevent the possibility of an
evaporator freeze-up. Failure to provide emergency power to these
pumps could result in machine operation with no flow of water
through the tubeside of the evaporator, absorber and condenser sec-
tions thereby allowing the water inside the evaporator tubes to freeze.
Further, a frozen evaporator tube can burst causing contamination of
the lithium bromide solution and the inside of the chiller. A freeze-up
in the evaporator will also result in a long period of chiller down time
due to the extensive repairs required to bring the chiller and the lith-
ium bromide solution back to its original condition.
DO NOT climb over a machine. Use platform, catwalk, or staging.
Follow safe practices when using ladders.
DO NOT STEP ON machine piping. It might break or bend and cause
personal injury.
USE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (crane, hoist, etc.) to lift or
move inspection covers or other heavy components. Even if com-
ponents are light, use such equipment when there is a risk of slipping
or losing your balance.
VALVE OFF AND TAG steam, water, or brine lines before opening
DO NOT LOOSEN water box cover bolts until the water box has
been completely drained.
DO NOT VENT OR DRAIN water boxes containing industrial
brines, liquid, gases, or semisolids without permission of your process
control group.
BE AWARE that certain automatic start arrangements can engage
starters. Open the disconnects ahead of the starters in addition to shut-
ting off the machine or pump.
INVESTIGATE THE CAUSE of flame failure or any other safety
shutdown before attempting a restart.
KEEP EYES sufficiently away from sight tubes or burner openings,
and wear a protective shield or safety glasses when viewing a burner
USE only replacement parts that meet the code requirements of the
original equipment.
burner equipment or machine safeties, or to make major repairs.
PERIODICALLY INSPECT all valves, fittings, piping, and relief
devices for corrosion, rust, leaks, or damage.
PROVIDE A DRAIN connection in the vent line near each pressure
relief device to prevent a build-up of condensate or rain water.
IMMEDIATELY wipe or flush the floor if lithium bromide or octyl
alcohol is spilled on it.
BE SURE combustion air inlets to the equipment room are open and
clear of any blockage.
Hermetic Absorption Liquid Chillers/Heaters