Metrohm NIRS XDS RapidLiquid Analyzer User Manual

Page 49

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When instructed, insert the WST3xxxx standard
into the sample drawer.

The label should face the user when inserting
the standard.

Place the standard into the drawer. The serial
number should be readable from the front, as

Click “OK” when ready.

After the test is complete, a spectrum of the standard is shown in the upper right quadrant of the
screen. A tabular report is shown, giving each peak, its nominal position, and its measured position.
The difference from “nominal” peak position, and the repeatability of position are calculated.

This is a “typical” printout. It will be slightly different for each instrument.

Wavelength Certification (using the XC-1300 “Trans Cal Std.”) also tests certain FOSS-defined peaks
in the wavelength standard. They are reported on the second page of Wavelength Certification, on a